首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics, D. Applied Physics: A Europhysics Journal >Probe measurements of electron-energy distributions in plasmas: What can we measure and how can we achieve reliable results?

Probe measurements of electron-energy distributions in plasmas: What can we measure and how can we achieve reliable results?


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An electric-probe method for the diagnostics of electron-distribution functions (EDFs) in plasmas is reviewed with emphasis on receiving reliable results while taking into account appropriate probe construction, various measurement errors and the limitations of theories. The starting point is a discussion of the Druyvesteyn method for measurements in weakly ionized, low-pressure and isotropic plasma. This section includes a description of correct probe design, the influence of circuit resistance, ion current and plasma oscillations and probe-surface effects on measurements. At present, the Druyvesteyn method is the most developed, consistent and routine way to measure the EDF. The following section of the review describes an extension of the classical EDF measurements into higher pressures, magnetic fields and anisotropic plasmas. To date, these methods have been used by a very limited number of researchers. Therefore, their verification has not yet been fully completed, and their reliable implementation still requires additional research. Nevertheless, the described methods are complemented by appropriate examples of measurements demonstrating their potential value.



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