首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Intravenous nicotine injection induces rapid, experience-dependent sensitization of glutamate release in the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens

Intravenous nicotine injection induces rapid, experience-dependent sensitization of glutamate release in the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens


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Although numerous data suggest that glutamate (GLU) is involved in mediating the neural effects of nicotine, direct data on nicotine-induced changes in GLU release are still lacking. Here, we used high-speed amperometry with enzyme-based GLU and enzyme-free GLU-null biosensors to examine changes in extracellular GLU levels in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and nucleus accumbens shell (NAcc) induced by intravenous nicotine in a low, behaviorally active dose (30 μg/kg) in freely moving rats. Using this approach, we found that the initial nicotine injection in drug-naive conditions induces rapid, transient, and relatively small GLU release (~ 90 nM; latency ~ 15 s, duration ~ 60 s) that is correlative in the VTA and NAcc. Following subsequent nicotine injections within the same session, this phasic GLU release was supplemented by stronger tonic increases in GLU levels (100-300 nM) that paralleled increases in drug-induced locomotor activation. GLU responses induced by repeated nicotine injections were more phasic and stronger in the NAcc than in VTA. Therefore, GLU is phasically released within the brain's reinforcement circuit following intravenous nicotine administration. Robust enhancement of nicotine-induced GLU responses following repeated injections suggests this change as an important mediator of sensitized behavioral and neural effects of nicotine. By using high-speed amperometry with glutamate (GLU) biosensors, we show that i.v. nicotine at a low, behaviorally relevant dose induces rapid GLU release in the NAcc and VTA that is enhanced following repeated drug injections. This is the first study reporting second-scale fluctuations in extracellular GLU levels induced by nicotine in two critical structures of the motivation-reinforcement circuit and rapid sensitization of GLU responses coupled with locomotor sensitization. By using high-speed amperometry with glutamate (GLU) biosensors, we show that i.v. nicotine at a low, behaviorally relevant dose induces rapid GLU release in the NAcc and VTA that is enhanced following repeated drug injections. This is the first study reporting second-scale fluctuations in extracellular GLU levels induced by nicotine in two critical structures of the motivation-reinforcement circuit and rapid sensitization of GLU responses coupled with locomotor sensitization.
机译:尽管大量数据表明谷氨酸(GLU)参与了尼古丁的神经调节作用,但仍缺乏有关尼古丁引起的GLU释放变化的直接数据。在这里,我们使用了基于酶的GLU和无酶的GLU-null生物传感器的高速安培计,以检测低剂量静脉内尼古丁引起的腹侧被盖区(VTA)和伏隔核壳(NAcc)中细胞外GLU水平的变化。 ,自由活动大鼠的行为有效剂量(30μg/ kg)。使用这种方法,我们发现在未经药物治疗的情况下初始尼古丁注射会诱导快速,短暂和相对较小的GLU释放(〜90 nM;潜伏期〜15 s,持续时间〜60 s),这与VTA和NAcc相关。在同一疗程内进行后续尼古丁注射后,该阶段性GLU释放得到补充,其中强壮的GLU水平(100-300 nM)补品增加与药物诱导的自发性激活增加平行。与VTA相比,NAcc重复注射尼古丁引起的GLU反应更具相位,且强度更高。因此,在静脉内给予尼古丁后,GLU在大脑的增强回路中逐步释放。反复注射后,尼古丁引起的GLU反应的强劲增强表明这种变化是尼古丁致敏的行为和神经作用的重要介体。通过将高速安培计与谷氨酸(GLU)生物传感器配合使用,我们可以得出i.v.行为相关的低剂量尼古丁会引起NAcc和VTA中GLU的快速释放,在反复注射药物后会增强。这是第一项研究,报告了尼古丁在动机增强回路的两个关键结构中引起尼古丁引起的细胞外GLU水平的第二级波动,以及GLU反应的快速敏化和运动敏化。通过将高速安培计与谷氨酸(GLU)生物传感器配合使用,我们可以得出i.v.行为相关的低剂量尼古丁会引起NAcc和VTA中GLU的快速释放,在反复注射药物后会增强。这是第一项研究,报告了尼古丁在动机增强回路的两个关键结构中引起尼古丁引起的细胞外GLU水平的第二级波动,以及GLU反应的快速敏化和运动敏化。



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