首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >The Cole-Cole plot for cure: The cure and reversion of natural rubber

The Cole-Cole plot for cure: The cure and reversion of natural rubber


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Cure rheometry is routinely used in the rubber industry for processability assessment and cure-time determination. This article examines these rheological outputs in Cole-Cole format to explore what new insights can be gained from this alternative data plot. It differs from the conventional Cole-Cole treatment in its application to a reacting system. The plots described here are therefore of G ''(t) vs. G'(t). Initially some attention is directed to the basics of the Cole-Cole treatment and the likely features to be expected when applied to systems undergoing both cure and reversion. This article goes on to consider examples of both by studying a natural rubber vulcanization at temperatures of 160 degrees C and above. Through the Cole-Cole approach, it is thought possible to identify the competition between intermolecular and intramolecular sulfurization, and between crosslink and main-chain scission. The approach offers considerable potential to expand the capabilities of cure rheometry. (C) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:硫化流变仪在橡胶工业中通常用于评估可加工性和确定硫化时间。本文以Cole-Cole格式检查了这些流变输出,以探索可以从该替代数据图中获得哪些新见解。它在反应系统中的应用与常规的Cole-Cole处理不同。因此,此处描述的曲线为G''(t)与G'(t)。最初,有些注意力集中在Cole-Cole处理的基础知识上,以及将其应用于同时经历固化和复原的系统时可能期望的功能。本文通过研究在160摄氏度及以上的温度下的天然橡胶硫化来继续考虑这两个例子。通过Cole-Cole方法,认为可以确定分子间和分子内硫化之间的竞争,以及交联和主链断裂之间的竞争。该方法具有很大的潜力来扩展固化流变学的功能。 (C)2016威利期刊公司



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