首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Adsorptive Removal of Uranium from Water by Sulfonated Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin

Adsorptive Removal of Uranium from Water by Sulfonated Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin


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Adsorption characteristics of a sulfonated phenol-formaldehyde resin (SPR) have been studied for U removal from aqueous solution by means of batch method. Adsorption experiments have been carried out as a function of contact time, solution/adsorbent ratio, particle size and pH. Adsorption isotherm has been evaluated by changing adsorbent dosage in the range of 0.04-80 g/L at an initial uranyl nitrate concentration of 0.05 mol/L. The enormous adsorption capacity of 0.29 mol/g estimated from the plateau region of the S shaped isotherm is well comparable the Langmuir capacity of 0.31 mol/g. Equilibrium data are also adequately well described by the Freundlich and the Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) isotherm equations. The parameters of the isotherms and pH dependency of distribution coefficients (K-D) indicate that polymeric uranyl chains form on bidentate surface complex as a result of solute-solute interactions on the adsorbent surface. Both desorption and elution studies show that uranyl chains are irreversibly bounded on the SPR. Kinetic curves having a fast initial part followed by a slower process well fit both McKay model based on two-resistance diffusion and Nernst-Plank model with single diffusion coefficient.
机译:已经研究了通过分批方法从水溶液中去除U的磺化酚醛树脂(SPR)的吸附特性。吸附实验是根据接触时间,溶液/吸附剂比率,粒径和pH进行的。通过在硝酸铀酰初始浓度为0.05 mol / L的情况下在0.04-80 g / L的范围内更改吸附剂剂量,可以评估吸附等温线。从S形等温线的高原区域估计的0.29 mol / g的巨大吸附容量与0.31 mol / g的朗缪尔容量相当。 Freundlich和Dubinin-Radushkevich(D-R)等温方程也充分描述了平衡数据。等温线的参数和分布系数的pH依赖性(K-D)表明,由于吸附剂表面上的溶质-溶质相互作用,在双齿表面络合物上形成了聚合的铀酰链。解吸和洗脱研究均表明,铀酰链不可逆地结合在SPR上。具有快速初始部分和较慢过程的动力学曲线很好地拟合了基于双电阻扩散的McKay模型和具有单个扩散系数的Nernst-Plank模型。



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