首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Using Isoconversional Kinetic Analysis of LiquidMelamine-Formaldehyde Resin Curing to PredictLaminate Surface Properties

Using Isoconversional Kinetic Analysis of LiquidMelamine-Formaldehyde Resin Curing to PredictLaminate Surface Properties


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The curing kinetics of a liquid melamine–formaldehyde impregnation resin were analyzed with dif-ferential scanning calorimetry, and the conversion-depend-ent activation energy for melamine–formaldehyde curingwas estimated with the isoconversional model-free kineticapproach developed by Vyazovkin. The conversion-de-pendent activation energy was used to extend the predic-tive power of a response surface model describing theinfluence of some processing factors (press time and resincomposition) in the manufacturing of particleboardscoated with melamine–formaldehyde-impregnated papers.By substituting the factor "press time" in an RSM estab-lished for a press temperature of 170 °C by the factor"conversion" which is accessible from thermo-chemicalanalysis, additional information on temperature was incor-porated into the model. Model applicability for additionaltemperatures was evaluated with 12 validation experi- ments. Although chemical resistance was difficult tomodel, cleanability was sufficiently well described by onlyone factor (conversion). Surface gloss depended on boththe conversion and catalyst amount and was predicted bya two-factor interaction model (R~2=0.95). This studydemonstrates that parameters derived from the isoconver-sional kinetic analysis of liquid resins not only are theoret-ical descriptors but also have direct practical relevance inthe modeling of product properties derived from these liq-uid resins when used to supplement technological data-bases.
机译:用差示扫描量热法分析了液态三聚氰胺-甲醛浸渍树脂的固化动力学,并用维亚佐夫金开发的无等转换模型的动力学方法估算了三聚氰胺-甲醛固化的转化率相关活化能。依赖于转化率的活化能用于扩展响应表面模型的预测能力,该模型描述了某些工艺因素(压榨时间和树脂组成)对三聚氰胺-甲醛浸渍纸刨花板制造的影响。 RSM中的因子“压榨时间”是通过热化学分析得出的因子“转化率”确定的,该压榨温度为170°C,可从模型中获得有关温度的其他信息。通过12个验证实验评估了模型在其他温度下的适用性。尽管很难模拟耐化学性,但是仅通过一个因素就可以很好地描述清洁性(转化率)。表面光泽度取决于转化率和催化剂用量,并通过两因素相互作用模型预测(R〜2 = 0.95)。这项研究表明,从液态树脂的等转换动力学分析中得出的参数不仅是理论上的描述,而且当用于补充液态数据库时,在这些液态树脂的产品特性建模中也具有直接的实际意义。



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