首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Model for reaction-assisted polymer dissolution in LIGA

Model for reaction-assisted polymer dissolution in LIGA


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A new chemically oriented mathematical model for the development step of the LIGA process is presented (LIGA is an acronym for the German words Lithographic, Galvanoformung, and Abformung). The key assumption is that the developer can react with the polymeric resist material to increase the solubility of the latter, thereby partially overcoming the need to reduce the polymer size. The ease with which this reaction takes place is assumed to be determined by the number of side-chain scissions that occur during, the X-ray exposure phase of the process. The dynamics of the dissolution process are simulated by the solution of the reaction diffusion equations for this three-component, two-phase system, the three species being the unreacted and reacted polymers and the solvent. The mass fluxes are described by multicomponent diffusion (Stefan-Maxwell) equations, and the chemical potentials are assumed to be given by the Flory-Huggins theory. Sample calculations are used to determine the dependence of the dissolution rate on key system parameters such as the reaction rate constant, polymer size, solid-phase diffusivity, and Flory-Huggins interaction parameters. A simple photo-chemistry model is used to relate the reaction rate constant and the polymer size to the absorbed X-ray dose. The resulting formula for the dissolution rate as a function of the dose and temperature is fit to an extensive experimental database to evaluate a set of unknown global parameters. The results suggest that reaction-assisted dissolution is very important at low doses and low temperatures, the solubility of the unreacted polymer being too small for it to be dissolved at an appreciable rate. However, at high doses or at higher temperatures, the solubility is such that the reaction is no longer needed, and dissolution can take place via the conventional route. These results provide an explanation for the observed dependences of both the rate of dissolution and its activation energy on the absorbed dose. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:提出了一种新的面向化学的数学模型,用于LIGA工艺的开发步骤(LIGA是德语单词Lithographic,Galvanoformung和Abformung的首字母缩写)。关键假设是显影剂可以与聚合物抗蚀剂材料反应以增加后者的溶解度,从而部分克服了减小聚合物尺寸的需要。假定该反应的容易程度取决于该过程在X射线曝光阶段发生的侧链断裂数。通过对该三组分两相体系的反应扩散方程式的求解来模拟溶解过程的动力学,这三种物质是未反应和反应的聚合物和溶剂。质量通量由多组分扩散(Stefan-Maxwell)方程描述,化学势假定由Flory-Huggins理论给出。样品计算用于确定溶出速率对关键系统参数的依赖性,例如反应速率常数,聚合物尺寸,固相扩散率和Flory-Huggins相互作用参数。使用简单的光化学模型将反应速率常数和聚合物尺寸与吸收的X射线剂量相关联。溶出速率随剂量和温度变化的公式适用于广泛的实验数据库,以评估一组未知的全局参数。结果表明,在低剂量和低温下,反应辅助的溶解非常重要,未反应的聚合物的溶解度太小,无法以可观的速率溶解。然而,在高剂量或较高温度下,溶解度使得不再需要反应,并且可以通过常规途径进行溶解。这些结果为观察到的溶解速率及其活化能对吸收剂量的依赖性提供了解释。 &复制; 2005 Wiley期刊公司



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