首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Supplementation with Major Royal-Jelly Proteins Increases Lifespan, Feeding, and Fecundity in Drosophila

Supplementation with Major Royal-Jelly Proteins Increases Lifespan, Feeding, and Fecundity in Drosophila


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The major royal-jelly proteins (MRJPs) are the main constituents responsible for the specific physiological role of royal jelly (RJ) in honeybees. Male and female Drosophila flies were fed diets containing either no MRJPs (A) or casein (B) at 1.25% (w/w) of diet or MRJPs at 1.25% (C), 2.50% (D), or 5.00% (E). Diets B, C, D, and E increased mean lifespan by 4.3%, 9.0%, 12.4%, and 13.9% in males and by 5.8%, 9.7%, 20.0%, and 11.8% in females in comparison to results from diet A, respectively. The diet supplemented with 2.50% MRJPs seems to have the optimal dose to improve both physiological and biochemical measures related to aging in both sexes. Interestingly, lifespan extension by MRJPs in Drosophila was positively associated with feeding and fecundity and up-regulation of copper and zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD) and the Egfr-mediated signaling pathway. This study provides strong evidence that MRJPs are important components of RJ for prolonging lifespan in Drosophila.
机译:主要蜂王浆蛋白(MRJPs)是负责蜂中蜂王浆(RJ)特定生理作用的主要成分。饲喂果蝇的雄性和雌性果蝇均不含1.25%(w / w)的MRJP(A)或酪蛋白(B)或1.25%(C),2.5%(D)或5.00%(E)的MRJPs )。与饮食A的结果相比,饮食B,C,D和E的男性平均寿命增加了4.3%,9.0%,12.4%和13.9%,女性增加了5.8%,9.7%,20.0%和11.8% , 分别。补充有2.50%MRJPs的饮食似乎具有最佳剂量,可以改善与两性衰老相关的生理和生化指标。有趣的是,果蝇中MRJPs的寿命延长与铜和锌超氧化物歧化酶(CuZn SOD)和Egfr介导的信号通路的摄食和繁殖以及上调呈正相关。这项研究提供了有力的证据表明,MRJPs是RJ延长果蝇寿命的重要组成部分。



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