首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Influence of Soil and Irrigation Water pH on the Availability of Phosphorus in Struvite Derived from Urine through a Greenhouse Pot Experiment

Influence of Soil and Irrigation Water pH on the Availability of Phosphorus in Struvite Derived from Urine through a Greenhouse Pot Experiment


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One greenhouse pot experiment was used to investigate the availability of phosphorus in struvite derived from urine affected by soil pH (cinnamon soil, pH 7.3; paddy soil, pH 5.3) and irrigation water (pH 6.0 and 7.5) with bird rapeseed (Brassica campestris L.). The biomass of applied struvite in paddy soil was significantly greater than that of applied calcium superphosphate. However, statistically significant differences were not observed in cinnamon soil. Soil-applied struvite had a higher Olsen P compared to soil-applied calcium superphosphate irrespective of soil type. The biomass of applied struvite and irrigation with pH 6.0 water was greater compared to that with irrigation with pH 7.3 water irrespective of soil type, accompanied with significantly higher leaf chlorophyll concentration. Therefore, struvite has the potential to be an effective P fertilizer, and acidic irrigation water has greater influence on the availability of phosphorus in struvite than does acidic soil.
机译:一项温室大棚实验用于研究鸟油菜籽(芸苔属L)对尿液中受土壤pH值(肉桂土壤,pH 7.3;水稻土,pH 5.3)和灌溉用水(pH 6.0和7.5)影响的鸟粪石中磷的有效性。 )。水稻土中施用鸟粪石的生物量显着大于施用过磷酸钙的生物量。但是,在肉桂土壤中未观察到统计学上的显着差异。与土壤施用的过磷酸钙相比,土壤施用的鸟粪石均具有更高的Olsen P,而与土壤类型无关。无论土壤类型如何,施用鸟粪石和用pH 6.0的水灌溉的生物量均比用pH 7.3的灌溉的生物量更大,并且叶绿素浓度显着较高。因此,鸟粪石有可能成为有效的磷肥,与酸性土壤相比,酸性灌溉水对鸟粪石中磷有效性的影响更大。



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