首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Differential Susceptibility to Glyphosate among the Conyza Weed Species in Spain

Differential Susceptibility to Glyphosate among the Conyza Weed Species in Spain


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Greenhouse and laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate differences in glyphosate susceptibility among three species of the genus Conyza introduced as weeds in Spain: tall fleabane (Conyza sumatrensis), hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis), and horseweed (Conyza canadensis). Plant material was obtained from seeds collected in weed populations growing in olive groves and citrus orchards in southern Spain, with no previous history of glyphosate application. Dose-response curves displayed ED_(50) values of 2.9, 15.7, and 34.9 g ai ha~(-1), respectively, for C. sumatrensis, C. bonariensis, and C. canadensis plants at the rosette stage (6-8 leaves). Significant differences were found among the three species in the glyphosate retention on leaves as well as the leaf contact angle. The species order according to glyphosate retention was C. sumatrensis > C. bonariensis > C. canadensis, while the mean contact angles of glyphosate droplets were 59.2, 65.5, and 72.9°, respectively. There were no significant differences among species in the absorption of [~(14)C]glyphosate (ranged from 37.4% for C. canadensis to 52.4% for C. sumatrensis), but the order among species was the same as glyphosate retention. The amount of radioactivity translocated from treated leaves was lower in C. canadensis as compared to the other two species (C. sumatrensis > C. bonariensis > C. canadensis). Combined, all of the studied parameters identified differential susceptibility to glyphosate among the Conyza species. Each species accumulated shikimate in leaf tissues following application of glyphosate at 200 g ai ha~(-1). However, C. canadensis exhibited lower shikimate levels than the other two species at 168 h after herbicide application. For hairy fleabane, a greenhouse study explored its susceptibility to glyphosate at three developmental stages: rosette, bolting (stem height, 10-15 cm), and flowering. The ED_(50) was lower at the rosette stage (15.7 g ai ha~(-1)) as compared to bolting (86.6 g ai ha~(-1)), with the highest ED_(50) values occurring at flowering (117.5 g ai ha~(-1)); plants at the earlier developmental stage retained more glyphosate. These results agree with field observations that plants at early developmental stages are more sensitive to glyphosate.
机译:进行了温室和实验室实验,以研究在西班牙作为杂草引入的三种杂草属Conyza的草甘膦敏感性差异:高氟乙烷(Conyza sumatrensis),多毛氟乙烷(Conyza bonariensis)和马草(Conyza canadensis)。植物材料是从西班牙南部橄榄园和柑橘园生长的杂草种群中收集的种子获得的,以前没有使用草甘膦的历史。玫瑰花期(6-8)的C. sumatrensis,C.bonariensis和C.canadensis植物的剂量响应曲线分别显示ED_(50)值为2.9、15.7和34.9 g ai ha〜(-1)树叶)。在这三个物种之间发现草甘膦在叶片上的保留以及叶片接触角之间存在显着差异。根据草甘膦保留度的物种顺序为C. sumatrensis> C. bonariensis> C. canadensis,而草甘膦液滴的平均接触角分别为59.2、65.5和72.9°。 [〜(14)C]草甘膦的吸收在物种间没有显着差异(加拿大念珠菌为37.4%,苏门答腊藻为52.4%),但物种间的顺序与草甘膦的保留相同。与其他两个物种相比(C. sumatrensis> C. bonariensis> C. canadensis),C。canadensis中从处理过的叶片转移的放射性量较低。综合起来,所有研究的参数都确定了Conyza物种对草甘膦的敏感性不同。在200 g ai ha〜(-1)施用草甘膦后,每种物种在叶片组织中积累accumulated草酸。然而,加拿大除草剂在施用除草剂后168 h的sh草酸水平低于其他两个物种。对于毛状氟苯醚,一项温室研究探索了其在三个发育阶段对草甘膦的敏感性:莲座丛,抽bolt(茎高10-15厘米)和开花。与抽ing(86.6 g ai ha〜(-1))相比,莲座期的ED_(50)较低(16.6 g ai ha〜(-1)),ED_(50)值最高出现在开花期( 117.5 g ai ha〜(-1));处于早期发育阶段的植物保留了更多的草甘膦。这些结果与实地观察一致,即处于发育早期的植物对草甘膦更敏感。



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