首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Authenticity of the traditional cypriot spirit 'zivania' on the basis of H-1 NMR spectroscopy diagnostic parameters and statistical analysis

Authenticity of the traditional cypriot spirit 'zivania' on the basis of H-1 NMR spectroscopy diagnostic parameters and statistical analysis

机译:基于H-1 NMR光谱诊断参数和统计分析的传统塞浦路斯精神“ zivania”的真实性

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A previous publication (Kokkinofta et al. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2003, 51, 6233-6239) discussed the use of inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy to differentiate between the traditional Cypriot alcoholic beverage zivania and other spirits similar in alcoholic content collected from different countries. In the present paper H-1 NMR spectroscopy is applied to confirm the previous conclusions and to obtain additional physical-chemical characteristics that may be used to differentiate zivania from other similar beverages. NMR spectroscopy gave a satisfactory degree of prediction and classification between zivanias and other distillings. The validity of quantification of the method was tested using comparative GC data. It appears that chemical analysis can be very helpful for identifying the unique geological and climatic conditions existing in the island of Cyprus that lead to an authentic product.
机译:先前的出版物(Kokkinofta等人,J。Agric。Food Chem。2003,51,6233-6239)讨论了使用感应耦合等离子体光谱法来区分传统的塞浦路斯酒精性饮料zivania和其他酒精含量相似的烈酒。国家。在本文中,H-1 NMR光谱用于确认先前的结论并获得其他可用于区分氧化锆和其他类似饮料的物理化学特征。 NMR光谱在齐凡尼亚斯和其他蒸馏物之间给出了令人满意的预测和分类程度。使用比较GC数据测试了该方法定量的有效性。看来,化学分析对于识别塞浦路斯岛上存在的独特的地质和气候条件非常有用,这些条件可导致产生真实的产品。



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