首页> 外文期刊>Dalton transactions: An international journal of inorganic chemistry >Crystal structures, phase transitions, and switchable dielectric behaviors: comparison of a series of N-heterocyclic ammonium perchlorates

Crystal structures, phase transitions, and switchable dielectric behaviors: comparison of a series of N-heterocyclic ammonium perchlorates


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Three analogue N-heterocyclic complexes, 1-propyl-1-methylpiperidinium perchlorate (1, [PMpip][ClO4]), 1-cyanomethyl-1-methylpiperidinium perchlorate (2, [CMpip][ClO4]), and 1-cyanomethyl-1-methylmorpholinium perchlorate (3, [CMmor][ClO4]) are identified as phase transition materials displaying switchable dielectric behaviors. Despite the common [ClO4]-anion and the closely related cations, compound 1 crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), but compounds 2 and 3 belong to the monoclinic space group P2(1) with distinct cell dimensions. Compounds 1, 2 and 3 undergo reversible phase transitions around 199, 387 and 416 K, respectively, accompanied by notable step-like dielectric anomalies which could be switched by the phase transition and be tuned in distinct dielectric states. The respective dielectric constants in the high dielectric states are 1.2, 2.2 and 3.2 times that in the low dielectric states for compounds 1, 2 and 3. Generally, these differences in the phase transitions and dielectric properties are caused by the distinct molecular structures and hydrogen-bonding conformations resulting from the structural variations in the side-chain and the ring structure.
机译:三种类似的N杂环配合物:高氯酸1-丙基-1-甲基哌啶鎓(1,[PMpip] [ClO4]),高氯酸1-氰甲基-1-甲基哌啶鎓(2,[CMpip] [ClO4])和1-氰甲基- 1-甲基吗啉高氯酸盐(3,[CMmor] [ClO4])被确定为显示可切换介电行为的相变材料。尽管存在[ClO4]阴离子和密切相关的阳离子,化合物1在正交空间群P2(1)2(1)2(1)中结晶,但是化合物2和3属于单斜空间群P2(1)。 / n具有不同的单元格尺寸。化合物1、2和3分别经历大约199、387和416 K的可逆相变,伴随着明显的阶梯状介电异常,可以通过相变进行切换并在不同的介电态下进行调谐。对于化合物1、2和3,高介电常数的介电常数分别是低介电常数的1.2、2.2和3.2倍。通常,相变和介电特性的这些差异是由不同的分子结构和氢引起的侧链和环结构的结构变化产生的键合构象。



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