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Scc2 couples replication licensing to sister chromatid chromatid in Xenopus egg extracts


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The cohesin complex is a central player in sister chromatid cohesion, a process that ensures the faithful segregation of chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis [1, 2]. Previous genetic studies in yeast show that Scc2/Mis4, a HEAT-repeat-containing protein, is required for the loading of cohesin onto chromatin [3, 4]. In this study, we have identified two isoforms of Scc2 in humans and Xenopus (termed Scc2A and Scc2B), which are encoded by a single gene but have different carboxyl termini created by alternative splicing. Both Scc2A and Scc2B bind to chromatin concomitant with cohesin during DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts. Simultaneous immunodepletion of Scc2A and Scc2B from the extracts impairs the association of cohesin with chromatin, leading to severe defects in sister chromatid pairing in the subsequent mitosis. The loading of Scc2 onto chromatin is inhibited in extracts treated with geminin but not with p21(CIP1), suggesting that this step depends on replication licensing but not on the initiation of DNA replication. Upon mitotic entry, Scc2 is removed from chromatin through a mechanism that requires cdc2 but not aurora B or polo-like kinase. Our results suggest that vertebrate Scc2 couples replication licensing to sister chromatid cohesion by facilitating the loading of cohesin onto chromatin.
机译:凝聚素复合物是姐妹染色单体凝聚力的核心参与者,这一过程可确保在有丝分裂和减数分裂中忠实分离染色体[1,2]。先前的酵母遗传研究表明,将Scc2 / Mis4(一种含有HEAT重复序列的蛋白)用于将粘着蛋白上载到染色质上是必需的[3,4]。在这项研究中,我们已经确定了人类和非洲爪蟾中的两个Scc2亚型(称为Scc2A和Scc2B),它们由单个基因编码,但是通过可变剪接产生了不同的羧基末端。在非洲爪蟾卵提取物中的DNA复制过程中,Scc2A和Scc2B均与染色质结合,并与黏附素结合。提取物中Scc2A和Scc2B的同时免疫耗竭削弱了黏着蛋白与染色质的缔合,导致随后的有丝分裂中姐妹染色单体配对出现严重缺陷。 Scc2加载到染色质上的抑制是用双倍蛋白而不是p21(CIP1)处理的提取物中的,这表明该步骤取决于复制许可,而不取决于DNA复制的启动。有丝分裂进入后,通过需要cdc2但不需要极光B或polo样激酶的机制将Scc2从染色质中去除。我们的结果表明,脊椎动物Scc2通过促进黏附素在染色质上的负载,将复制许可与姐妹染色单体的内聚结合在一起。



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