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Methodology for qualitative urban flooding risk assessment


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Pluvial or surface flooding can cause significant damage and disruption as it often affects highly urbanised areas. Therefore it is essential to accurately identify consequences and assess the risks associated with such phenomena. The aim of this study is to present the results and investigate the applicability of a qualitative flood risk assessment methodology in urban areas. This methodology benefits from recent developments in urban flood modelling, such as the dual-drainage modelling concept, namely one-dimensional automatic overland flow network delineation tools (e.g. AOFD) and 1D/1D models incorporating both surface and sewer drainage systems. To assess flood risk, the consequences can be estimated using hydraulic model results, such as water velocities and water depth results; the likelihood was estimated based on the return period of historical rainfall events. To test the methodology two rainfall events with return periods of 350 and 2 years observed in Alcantara (Lisbon, Portugal) were used and three consequence dimensions were considered: affected public transportation services, affected properties and pedestrian safety. The most affected areas in terms of flooding were easily identified; the presented methodology was shown to be easy to implement and effective to assess flooding risk in urban areas, despite the common difficulties in obtaining data.
机译:大量积水或地表洪水可能会造成严重的破坏和破坏,因为它通常会影响高度城市化的地区。因此,准确识别后果并评估与此类现象相关的风险至关重要。这项研究的目的是介绍结果并研究定性洪水风险评估方法在城市地区的适用性。这种方法得益于城市洪水建模的最新发展,例如双重排水模型概念,即一维自动陆上水流网络描绘工具(例如AOFD)和结合了地面和下水道排水系统的1D / 1D模型。为了评估洪水风险,可以使用水力模型结果(例如水速和水深结果)来估计后果。可能性是根据历史降雨事件的重现期估算的。为了检验该方法,使用了在阿尔坎塔拉(葡萄牙里斯本)观测到的两次降雨事件,回归期分别为350年和2年,并考虑了三个后果维度:受影响的公共交通服务,受影响的财产和行人安全。容易确定洪灾中受影响最大的地区;尽管在获取数据方面存在普遍困难,但所提出的方法已被证明易于实施并且可以有效地评估城市地区的洪灾风险。



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