首页> 外文期刊>The pharmaceutical journal >Pharmacists can help people take their prescribed medicines more safely

Pharmacists can help people take their prescribed medicines more safely


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Pharmacists should be a much more integral part of a clearly defined process of prescribing, dispensing and supporting medicines taking, to ensure that the risks of harm to patients from medicines are reduced. Paul Gimson, the Society's director for Wales, discusses some of the issues raised at a recent symposium Our key role as pharmacists is to provide pharmaceutical care for patients, and we must never lose sight of that. The issues of harm caused by medicines are well known, yet we lack a clear strategy to deal with it. We often talk more about the errors caused in dispensing rather than focusing on the wider issue of harm caused by poor prescribing, patient adherence and medicmes administralion. Pharmacists have a major role in creating the right environment for safe practice to take place.
机译:在明确规定的处方,分配和支持药物服用过程中,药剂师应成为更重要的组成部分,以确保减少药物对患者造成伤害的风险。协会威尔士协会理事长保罗·金森(Paul Gimson)讨论了在最近一次座谈会上提出的一些问题。我们作为药剂师的关键角色是为患者提供药物治疗,我们决不能忽视这一点。药物造成的危害问题是众所周知的,但我们缺乏明确的对策。我们经常谈论的更多是分配过程中的错误,而不是着眼于处方不当,患者依从性和药物管理所造成的更广泛的危害。药剂师在创造正确的环境以进行安全实践方面发挥着重要作用。



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