首页> 外文期刊>Current diabetes reports. >A new use for an old drug provides dual glucose and LDL-lowering therapy in the modern setting of T2D management: colesevelam HCL.

A new use for an old drug provides dual glucose and LDL-lowering therapy in the modern setting of T2D management: colesevelam HCL.

机译:在现代的T2D管理环境中,旧药物的新用途提供了双重葡萄糖和降低LDL的疗法:colesevelam HCL。

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As glycemic and lipid treatment goals in type 2 diabetes have become more stringent, a requirement for early combination therapy is needed in many patients. Although this is self-evident in severely hyperglycemic patients, its importance is less well appreciated in those with milder degrees of hyperglycemia, particularly in which concern exists that additional therapy may aggravate hypo glycemia or weight gain. Similarly, a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) target of <=70 mg/dL often requires >= 50% reduction in LDLC levels, an effect that may not always be achieved with maximum doses of statin monotherapy or in those with statin intolerance. Thus, add-on treatment with secondary LDLC-lowering agents is frequently required in patients with type 2 diabetes. It is in this context that the recent introduction of the bile sequestrant colesevelam as an antihyperglycemic agent with LDLlowering properties needs to be viewed.
机译:随着2型糖尿病的血糖和脂质治疗目标变得越来越严格,许多患者都需要早期联合治疗。尽管这在严重的高血糖患者中是不言而喻的,但在轻度高血糖患者中,其重要性却没有得到应有的重视,尤其是在那些担心额外治疗可能加重低血糖或体重增加的患者中。同样,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDLC)指标<= 70 mg / dL通常要求LDLC水平降低> = 50%,使用最大剂量的他汀类药物单一疗法或他汀类药物不耐受者可能无法始终达到这种效果。因此,在2型糖尿病患者中,经常需要使用降低LDLC的辅助药物进行附加治疗。正是在这种情况下,有必要观察近来引入的多价螯合剂西雌韦仑作为具有降低LDL特性的降血糖药。



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