
review of 2012/13


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The 2012/13 season began with global cotton stocks estimated at a record 15.3 million tons, up 58% from 2011/12. The season-average Cotlook A Index dropped 12% to 88 cents per pound in 2012/13, continuing a fall from a record of S1.64 per pound in 2010/11 and $1.00 per pound in 2011/12. The decline in price drove cotton farmers to switch to more profitable alternative crops. Consequently, cotton plantings decreased 6% to 34 million hectares, and production fell 5% to 26.4 million tons in 2012/13, while the average yield remained stable at 776 kg/ha. On the other hand, demand for cotton by spinners rebounded after two consecutive seasons of decline. World cotton consumption was estimated up by 6% to 23.5 million tons, nonetheless the second smallestin nine years. Despite the decrease in production and increase in consumption, global cotton stocks jumped by 19% to 18.2 million tons and surpassed the 2011/12 record. The global stocks-to-use ratio rose from 69% in 2011/12 to 78%, the highest level since World War II. World cotton trade rose 1% to 9.7 million tons as Chinese imports fell 21% from 5.3 million tons in 2011/12 to 4.2 million tons in 2012/13, while shipments to the rest of the world increased 23% to 5.5 million tons.
机译:2012/13年度开始时,全球棉花库存估计达到创纪录的1530万吨,比2011/12年度增长58%。 Cotlook A指数的平均季节指数在2012/13年度下降了12%,至每磅88美分,继续低于2010/11年度的每磅S1.64和2011/12年度的每磅1.00美元的记录。价格下降驱使棉农转向利润更高的替代作物。因此,2012/13年度棉花种植面积减少6%至3,400万公顷,产量减少5%至2640万吨,而平均单产保持在776公斤/公顷。另一方面,纺纱厂对棉花的需求在连续两个季度下降之后反弹。据估计,世界棉花消费量增长了6%,达到2350万吨,但仍是9年来的第二低水平。尽管产量减少和消费增加,但全球棉花库存仍增长了19%,达到1,820万吨,并超过了2011/12年度的记录。全球库存使用比率从2011/12年度的69%上升到78%,这是自第二次世界大战以来的最高水平。世界棉花贸易量增长1%,至970万吨,因为中国进口量从2011/12年度的530万吨下降至2012/13年度的420万吨,下降了21%,而世界其他国家的进口量则增长了23%,达到550万吨。



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