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Time to take tobacco dependence treatment seriously


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During the Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Tobacco Control Awards ceremony at the World Conference on Tobacco or Health (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; March, 2015) an award was given to Uruguay (the first MPOWER "O" award) that recognised the importance of tobacco dependence treatment in an overall tobacco control policy. WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) requires parties to develop comprehensive tobacco dependence treatment guidelines. In 2010, the conference of the FCTC parties adopted the FCTC article 14 implementation guidelines, which stress that cessation support implemented in conjunction with other policy interventions will have a synergistic effect and maximise effects on public health. The guidelines outline what countries should be doing regarding tobacco dependence treatment; yet only 15% of the world's population has access to appropriate cessation support. Furthermore, worldwide success in tobacco cessation is imperative to attain the goal of WHO and the UN of a 25% reduction in premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by 2025. Only effective tobacco cessation will have a sufficient effect on mortality in the 10 years left to reach that goal. Failure on that front will surely thwart the global aspiration for success in NCD control by 2025. Implementation of article 14 and its guidelines will bring health and economic benefits to countries. Helping smokers to stop is a highly cost-effective health-care intervention by saving lives, improving population health and reducing health-care costs. Every day that smokers aged older than 35 years continue to smoke they lose about 3-6 h of life. Thus, for the estimated 500 million current adult smokers, 62 million days of life are lost every day. Some of these people who smoke will stop unaided, but many others will stop only after repeated attempts over time. Many more smokers will not stop, and will die before they can stop. Helping these people to stop sooner rather than later will save lives. Implementation of tobacco control measures such as tax increases, restrictions on smoking in public places, and media campaigns, create demand for cessation support.
机译:在世界烟草或健康大会(阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比; 2015年3月)的彭博慈善全球烟草控制奖颁奖典礼上,授予乌拉圭的奖项(第一个MPOWER“ O”奖),该奖项认识到烟草的重要性总体烟草控制政策中的依赖治疗。世卫组织《烟草控制框架公约》(FCTC)要求各缔约方制定全面的烟草依赖治疗指南。 2010年,《公约》缔约方会议通过了《公约》第14条实施指南,强调与其他政策干预措施一起实施的戒烟支持将产生协同效应,并最大程度地影响公共卫生。该准则概述了各国在烟草依赖治疗方面应采取的行动;但是,世界上只有15%的人口可以获得适当的戒烟支持。此外,要实现世界卫生组织和联合国的目标,即到2025年将非传染性疾病(NCDs)的过早死亡率降低25%,就必须在全世界范围内取得成功。距离实现目标还有10年的时间。在这方面的失败必将挫败全球对在2025年实现非传染性疾病控制成功的愿望。实施第14条及其准则将为各国带来健康和经济利益。通过挽救生命,改善人口健康并降低医疗成本,帮助吸烟者戒烟是一种非常经济有效的医疗干预措施。年龄超过35岁的吸烟者每天继续吸烟,会损失大约3-6小时的生命。因此,对于目前估计的5亿成年吸烟者来说,每天损失6200万天的生命。这些抽烟的人中有一些会在没有帮助的情况下停止吸烟,但是许多其他人只有经过一段时间反复尝试才能停止吸烟。更多的吸烟者不会停止吸烟,并且会在停止吸烟之前死亡。帮助这些人尽早停止,将挽救生命。实施烟草控制措施(例如增加税收,限制公共场所吸烟和开展媒体运动),产生了对戒烟支持的需求。



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