首页> 外文期刊>The Lancet >National, regional, and worldwide estimates of stillbirth rates in 2009 with trends since 1995: a systematic analysis.

National, regional, and worldwide estimates of stillbirth rates in 2009 with trends since 1995: a systematic analysis.


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BACKGROUND: Stillbirths do not count in routine worldwide data-collating systems or for the Millennium Development Goals. Two sets of national stillbirth estimates for 2000 produced similar worldwide totals of 3.2 million and 3.3 million, but rates differed substantially for some countries. We aimed to develop more reliable estimates and a time series from 1995 for 193 countries, by increasing input data, using recent data, and applying improved modelling approaches. METHODS: For international comparison, stillbirth is defined as fetal death in the third trimester (>/=1000 g birthweight or >/=28 completed weeks of gestation). Several sources of stillbirth data were identified and assessed against prespecified inclusion criteria: vital registration data; nationally representative surveys; and published studies identified through systematic literature searches, unpublished studies, and national data identified through a WHO country consultation process. For 2009, reported rates were used for 33 countries and model-based estimates for 160 countries. A regression model of log stillbirth rate was developed and used to predict national stillbirth rates from 1995 to 2009. Uncertainty ranges were obtained with a bootstrap approach. The final model included log(neonatal mortality rate) (cubic spline), log(low birthweight rate) (cubic spline), log(gross national income purchasing power parity) (cubic spline), region, type of data source, and definition of stillbirth. FINDINGS: Vital registration data from 79 countries, 69 nationally representative surveys from 39 countries, and 113 studies from 42 countries met inclusion criteria. The estimated number of global stillbirths was 2.64 million (uncertainty range 2.14 million to 3.82 million) in 2009 compared with 3.03 million (uncertainty range 2.37 million to 4.19 million) in 1995. Worldwide stillbirth rate has declined by 14.5%, from 22.1 stillbirths per 1000 births in 1995 to 18.9 stillbirths per 1000 births in 2009. In 2009, 76.2% of stillbirths occurred in south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. INTERPRETATION: This study draws attention to the dearth of reliable data in regions where most stillbirths occur. The estimated trend in stillbirth rate reduction is slower than that for maternal mortality and lags behind the increasing progress in reducing deaths in children younger than 5 years. Improved data and improved use of data are crucial to ensure that stillbirths count in global and national policy. FUNDING: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through the Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth, Saving Newborn Lives/Save the Children, and the International Stillbirth Alliance. The Department of Reproductive Health and Research, WHO, through the UN Development Programme, UN Population Fund, WHO, and World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction.
机译:背景:死产不包括在常规的全球数据收集系统中或不计入千年发展目标。 2000年的两组国家死产估计数在全球范围内产生了相似的总数,分别为320万和330万,但某些国家的比率却大不相同。我们的目标是通过增加输入数据,使用最近的数据并应用改进的建模方法来为193个国家/地区制定更可靠的估算和1995年以来的时间序列。方法:为了进行国际比较,死胎的定义为妊娠晚期(> / = 1000 g体重或> / = 28个完整妊娠周)的胎儿死亡。确定了死产数据的几种来源,并根据预定的纳入标准进行了评估:生命登记数据;全国代表性的调查;以及通过系统的文献检索确定的已发表研究,未发表的研究以及通过WHO的国家咨询程序确定的国家数据。 2009年,报告的费率用于33个国家,而基于模型的估计值用于160个国家。建立了对数死产率的回归模型,并用于预测1995年至2009年的全国死产率。不确定性范围是通过自举法获得的。最终模型包括对数(新生儿死亡率)(三次样条),对数(低出生体重率)(三次样条),对数(国民总收入购买力平价)(三次样条),区域,数据源类型和定义死胎。结果:来自79个国家的重要登记数据,来自39个国家的69个具有国家代表性的调查以及来自42个国家的113个研究符合纳入标准。与2009年的303万(不确定范围237万至419万)相比,2009年全球死者的估计数量为264万(不确定性范围从214万至382万)。全球死产率已从每1000个中的22.1死点降低了14.5%。从1995年的死产到2009年的每千名死产中有18.9个死产。2009年,死产的76.2%发生在南亚和撒哈拉以南非洲。解释:这项研究引起人们对大多数死产发生地区缺乏可靠数据的关注。估计的死产率下降趋势比产妇死亡率下降的趋势慢,并且落后于减少5岁以下儿童死亡率下降的进展。改进数据和改进数据使用对于确保死产在全球和国家政策中至关重要。资金:比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会通过防止早产和死产全球联盟,挽救新生儿生命/挽救儿童以及国际死产联盟成立。世卫组织生殖健康和研究部通过联合国开发计划署,联合国人口基金,世卫组织和世界银行人类生殖研究,发展和研究培训特别计划。



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