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Facebook: a new trigger for asthma?


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Psychological stress is a recognised cause of asthma attacks. In depressed asthmatic individuals, parasympa-thetic or sympathetic dysregulation, with a vagal prevalence, has been noted as a consequence of a stress-inducing situation. Facebook is a social networking website launched in February, 2004 It had more than 500 million active users in July, 2010, and is in some ways replacing real relationships, especially among adolescents and young adults. We present the case of an 18-year-old man for whom Facebook use seemed to trigger asthma exacerbations. Asthma symptoms had been under control with inhaled corticosteroids (fluticasone 250 mg twice daily) and montelukast 10 mg once a day, which the patient took all year round except for the summer months, when exposure to house dust mite, to which he was sensitised, is usually low in Italy. However, symptoms had worsened in the months preceding presentation to us, and he had had to take relief medications several times, including in summer.
机译:心理压力是哮喘发作的公认原因。在抑郁的哮喘患者中,由于诱发压力而引起副交感异常或交感神经失调,伴迷走神经流行。 Facebook是一个于2004年2月启动的社交网站,其2010年7月的活跃用户超过5亿,并且在某些方面正在取代真实的关系,尤其是在青少年之间。我们介绍了一个18岁男性的情况,该人使用Facebook似乎会引发哮喘加重。吸入皮质类固醇(每天两次,每次250 mg氟替卡松)和孟鲁司特每天10 mg,可以控制哮喘症状,该患者全年服用,除了夏季,当他接触过敏的屋尘螨时,夏季除外,在意大利通常较低。但是,在向我们介绍的前几个月中,症状恶化了,他不得不多次服用缓解药物,包括在夏天。



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