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Donor agency commitment to Chagas disease.


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Ricardo Pereira Igreja (April 18, p 1340)1 addresses important changes in the epidemiology of Chagas disease by highlighting new modes of transmission, the effects of migration, and the altered clinical picture of the disease in HIV/AIDS patients. As we enter a new era in the battle against the disease, representatives from 16 Latin American ministries of health and major donor agencies met in Belem, Brazil, on April 20-24, to reinvigorate the regional alliance. The meeting, co-organised by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and the Pan-American Health Organization " (PAHO), adopted a proposal to submit as a resolution to the World Health Assembly (WHA) on May 18-27, thus marking a renewed commitment to tackling Chagas disease in the country where Carlos Chagas discovered it 100 years ago. Unfortunately, owing to a shortened agenda and the predominance of pandemic influenza, submission of this resolution was postponed until next year's WHA.
机译:里卡多·佩雷拉·伊格里亚(Ricardo Pereira Igreja)(4月18日,第1340页)1着重指出了恰加斯病流行病学方面的重要变化,重点介绍了新的传播方式,迁移的影响以及艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者的疾病临床状况已改变。当我们进入抗击疾病的新纪元时,拉丁美洲16个卫生部和主要捐助机构的代表于4月20日至24日在巴西贝伦举行了会议,以振兴该地区联盟。该会议由巴西卫生部和泛美卫生组织(PAHO)共同组织,通过了一项提案,于5月18日至27日向世界卫生大会(WHA)提交该决议,从而标志着致力于在100年前卡洛斯·查加斯(Carlos Chagas)发现该国的国家解决查加斯病的做法,不幸的是,由于议程缩短和大流行性流感占主导地位,该决议的提交被推迟到明年WHA。



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