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Opiate substitution treatment in the former Soviet Union.


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The Profile of Vladimir Mendelevich (July 22, p 279),1 which highlights his efforts to educate fellow physicians about opiate substitution treatment, brings much needed attention to the public health crisis created by the lack of methadone in Russia. However, the statement that most other former Soviet states have legalised substitution treatment obscures the true scope of the emergency facing the region.Legal status bears little relation to access to methadone treatment on the ground in the former Soviet Union. With the exception of the Baltic states, methadone is either unavailable or offered to only a tiny minority of those in need. In countries such as Kazakhstan and Ukraine, the governments have for years delayed the establishment of even small pilot programmes despite offers of financial support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Drug control agencies fearful of diversion and health ministries afraid to step out of the long shadow cast by Russia's prohibition have miredtreatment efforts in" bureaucracy. Patients and physicians committed to helping those dependent on illegal opiates are paying the price, since they are denied a treatment that could help prevent HIV infections and save thousands of lives.
机译:弗拉基米尔·门德列维奇(Vladimir Mendelevich)的简介(7月22日,第279页)1突显了他为教育其他医师进行阿片替代治疗的努力,引起了人们对俄罗斯缺乏美沙酮造成的公共卫生危机的关注。然而,大多数其他前苏联国家已将替代治疗合法化的声明掩盖了该地区面临的紧急情况的真实范围。前苏联在当地获得美沙酮治疗的法律地位与他们的关系不大。除波罗的海国家外,美沙酮要么不提供,要么仅提供给极少数需要帮助的人。在哈萨克斯坦和乌克兰等国家,尽管全球抗击艾滋病,结核病和疟疾基金提供了财政支持,但政府多年来一直推迟甚至建立小型试点计划。药物管制机构担心转移用途,而卫生部则害怕走出俄罗斯禁令所造成的漫长阴影,在“官僚机构”中进行了治疗方面的努力。致力于帮助那些依赖非法阿片类药物的患者和医生正在为此付出代价,因为他们被拒绝接受治疗。可以帮助预防艾滋病毒感染并挽救数千人的生命。



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