首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Urinary flow patterns of healthy newborn males.

Urinary flow patterns of healthy newborn males.


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PURPOSE: We assessed urinary flow patterns in newborn males using ultrasound flow probes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Specifically customized ultrasound flow probes connected to a flowmeter were mounted on the penis of 30 newborn males. Flow data together with signals from a silent diaper alarm were sampled to a personal computer, and the flow curves were assessed with regard to configuration, maximum flow rate and voided volume. Studies were performed under the surveillance of a nurse, who together with the parents registered episodes of breast-feeding and periods of sleep and arousal, which were rated on a visual analogue scale and converted to percentages with 0% representing quiet sleep and 100% representing the fully awake state. Data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and are presented as median (range). A p value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: The data from 23 neonates were applicable for analysis, and a total of 61 flow assessments were completed. Configuration was bell-shaped in 57% of the studies, interrupted in 18%, staccato in 8%, plateau in 5%, tower flow in 3% and "spike-dome" in 8%. Median voided volume was 10.6 ml (range 1.4 to 65.0) and median maximum flow rate was 2.3 ml per second (0.5 to 11.9). During all but 3 voids the neonates exhibited some degree of arousal. We found no significant correlation between curve configuration and voided volume, maximum flow rate or state of arousal. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary flow curves in newborn males consisted of a known repertoire of configurations, in addition to a "spike-dome" shape not previously described. Of the assessments 34% were dyscoordinated. Voiding tended to occur in the awake state.
机译:目的:我们使用超声波流量探头评估了新生男性的尿流模式。材料与方法:将专门定制的与流量计连接的超声流量探头安装在30名新生男性的阴茎上。流量数据以及来自无声尿布警报器的信号被采样到个人计算机,并评估流量曲线的配置,最大流量和无效体积。研究是在护士的监督下进行的,护士与父母一起记录了母乳喂养的发作,睡眠和唤醒的时间,并以视觉模拟量表进行了评分,并转换为百分比,其中0%代表安静睡眠,100%代表安静完全清醒状态。使用Kruskal-Wallis检验分析数据,并以中位数(范围)表示。 P值小于0.05被认为是显着的。结果:来自23名新生儿的数据可用于分析,总共完成了61次血流评估。 57%的研究为钟形,18%中断,8%断断续续,5%为平稳期,3%为塔流,8%为“尖峰穹顶”。中位排尿量为10.6 ml(范围为1.4至65.0),中位最大流速为每秒2.3 ml(0.5至11.9)。在除3个空隙之外的所有空隙中,新生儿均表现出一定程度的唤醒。我们发现曲线配置与无效体积,最大流速或唤醒状态之间无显着相关性。结论:新生男性的尿流曲线除先前未描述的“尖峰穹顶”形状外,还包括已知的构型库。在评估中,有34%的考试成绩不佳。呕吐倾向于以清醒状态发生。



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