首页> 外文期刊>The journal of physical chemistry, C. Nanomaterials and interfaces >Water Coordination, Proton Mobility, and Lewis Acidity in HY Nanozeolites: A High-Temperature H-1 and Al-27 NMR Study

Water Coordination, Proton Mobility, and Lewis Acidity in HY Nanozeolites: A High-Temperature H-1 and Al-27 NMR Study

机译:HY纳米沸石中的水配位,质子迁移率和路易斯酸度:高温H-1和Al-27 NMR研究

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A nanosized HY zeolite was synthesized and studied by means of H-1 and Al-27 NMR during thermal dehydration in the temperature range 20-600 degrees C. The nanozeolite is comprised of a mixture of well-crystallized ultrathin platelets and octahedral nanocrystals, dressed with pentacoordinated extraframework Al-(V). H-1 NMR spinlattice (T-1) and spinspin (T-2) relaxation measurements in combination with Al-27 3Q-MAS NMR reveal two different interaction paths between water molecules and the nanozeolite solid matrix: (i) water molecules strongly interacting with Al-(V) cations, indicated by the high T-1/T2 ratio, and (ii) water molecules with amply smaller T-1/T-2 ratio, interacting moderately with Al-(IV) and Al-(VI) cations. Relevant measurements on bulk HY rich in extraframework Al-(VI) show the presence of the second relaxation channel only, indicating that the enhanced water adsorption observed for the nanozeolite originates partly from its extended surface and partly from the Al-(V) decoration. Al-(IV) sites in the nanozeolite appear to be highly resilient during heating, even while the framework starts to collapse and Al-(VI) transforms to Al-(V). Finally, H-1 NMR shows that water protons interact particularly strongly with the Al sites in the nanozeolite at temperatures as high as 500 degrees C, unveiling the important role of the Al-(V) decoration on this nanocatalyst.
机译:在20-600摄氏度的温度范围内进行热脱水过程中,通过H-1和Al-27 NMR合成并研究了纳米级HY沸石。该纳米沸石由结晶良好的超薄片晶和八面体纳米晶的混合物组成,具有五坐标的外框Al-(V)。 H-1 NMR自旋晶格(T-1)和自旋旋(T-2)弛豫测量与Al-27 3Q-MAS NMR结合显示出水分子与纳米沸石固体基质之间的两种不同相互作用路径:(i)水分子强烈相互作用具有高T-1 / T2比的Al-(V)阳离子,和(ii)T-1 / T-2比小得多的水分子,与Al-(IV)和Al-(VI )阳离子。对富含骨架外Al-(VI)的散装HY的相关测量仅显示了第二弛豫通道的存在,这表明观察到的纳米沸石增强的水吸附性部分源自其延伸的表面,部分源自Al-(V)装饰。纳米沸石中的Al-(IV)位点在加热过程中似乎具有很高的弹性,即使骨架开始坍塌且Al-(VI)转变为Al-(V)。最后,H-1 NMR表明,在高达500摄氏度的温度下,水质子与纳米沸石中的Al位点特别强烈地相互作用,从而揭示了Al-(V)装饰物在这种纳米催化剂上的重要作用。



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