首页> 外文期刊>The journal of physical chemistry, B. Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical >Mechanistic Aspects of Proton Chain Transfer: A Computational Study for the Green Fluorescent Protein Chromophore

Mechanistic Aspects of Proton Chain Transfer: A Computational Study for the Green Fluorescent Protein Chromophore


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We explore several models for the ground-state proton chain transfer pathway between the green fluorescent protein chromophore and its surrounding protein matrix,with a view to elucidating mechanistic aspects of this process.We have computed quantum chemically the minimum energy pathways (MEPs) in the ground electronic state for one-,two-,and three-proton models of the chain transfer.There are no stable intermediates for our models,indicating that the proton chain transfer is likely to be a single,concerted kinetic step.However,despite the concerted nature of the overall energy profile,a more detailed analysis of the MEPs reveals clear evidence of sequential movement of protons in the chain.The ground-state proton chain transfer does not appear to be driven by the movement of the phenolic proton off the chromophore onto the neutral water bridge.Rather,this proton is the last of the three protons in the chain to move.We find that the first proton movement is from the bridging Ser205 moiety to the accepting Glu222 group.This is followed by the second proton moving from the bridging water to the Ser205-for our model this is where the barrier occurs.The phenolic proton on the chromophore is hence the last in the chain to move,transferring to a bridging "water" that already has substantial negative charge.
机译:我们探索绿色荧光蛋白生色团与其周围蛋白基质之间基态质子链转移途径的几种模型,以阐明该过程的机理方面。我们已经化学计算了量子化学中的最小能量途径(MEP)。一,二和三质子链转移模型的基态电子状态。我们的模型没有稳定的中间体,这表明质子链转移可能是一个单一的,确定的动力学步骤。整体能量分布的协调性质,对MEP的更详细分析揭示了质子在链中顺序移动的清晰证据。基态质子链转移似乎不是由酚性质子从生色团移出驱动的质子是链中三个质子中的最后一个。我们发现第一个质子运动来自架桥的Ser205 moi然后接受第二个质子从桥接水转移到Ser205-在我们的模型中,这是发生障碍的地方。发色团上的酚性质子因此是链中最后一个移动,转移到已经带有大量负电荷的过渡“水”。



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