首页> 外文期刊>The journal of physical chemistry, A. Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory >Unpaired and sigma Bond Electrons as H,Cl,and Li Bond Acceptors:An Anomalous One-Electron Blue-Shifting Chlorine Bond

Unpaired and sigma Bond Electrons as H,Cl,and Li Bond Acceptors:An Anomalous One-Electron Blue-Shifting Chlorine Bond


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Ab initio,DFT,and AIM theoretical studies on H-,Cl-,and Li-bonded complexes have been carried out with typical lone pair(H2O),pi(C2H4)and sigma(H2)bonded pairs,and unpaired(CH3)electrons as acceptors and HF,ClF,and LiF as donors.Optimization and frequency calculations have been carried out at reasonably high levels(MP2,DFT(B3LYP),and QCISD)with large basis sets up to aug-cc-pVTZ.Not surprisingly,all HF complexes show red shift in stretching frequency and the shift is correlated to the binding energy.However,the FCl…CH3 complex shows a large blue shift(about 200 cm~(-1)),which appears to be the largest blue shift predicted for any weakly bound complex yet.Analysis of the normal modes of the complex indicates that the shift is due to the mixing of modes between donor and acceptor and it is qualitatively different from the blue shifts reported thus far in hydrogen-bonded complexes.For Cl-and Li-bonded complexes,a correlation between frequency shift and binding energy is not found.However,AIM theoretical analysis shows the similarity in all these interactions.The electron density at the bond critical point shows a strong correlation with the binding energy for H-,Cl-,and Li-bonded complexes.This appears to be the first report on a one-electron chlorine bond.
机译:已对典型的孤对(H2O),pi(C2H4)和σ(H2)键对以及未配对(CH3)的H-,Cl-和Li键复合物进行了从头开始,DFT和AIM理论研究电子作为受体,HF,ClF和LiF作为供体。已经在相当高的水平(MP2,DFT(B3LYP)和QCISD)上进行了优化和频率计算,并在很大的基础上达到了aug-cc-pVTZ。 ,所有HF配合物在拉伸频率上都显示出红色偏移,并且该偏移与结合能相关。但是,FC1…CH3配合物显示出较大的蓝色偏移(约200 cm〜(-1)),这似乎是最大的蓝色。尚未对任何弱结合的配合物预测到该位移。对该配合物的正常模式的分析表明,该位移是由于供体和受体之间的模式混合所致,并且在质量上与迄今报道的氢键配合物中的蓝移不同。对于Cl键和Li键结合的复合物,未发现频移与结合能之间的相关性。 AIM理论分析显示了所有这些相互作用的相似性。键临界点处的电子密度与H-,Cl-和Li键结合的配合物的结合能密切相关,这似乎是第一个关于此的报道。 -电子氯键。



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