首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >Burst-induced anti-Hebbian depression acts through short-term synaptic dynamics to cancel redundant sensory signals.

Burst-induced anti-Hebbian depression acts through short-term synaptic dynamics to cancel redundant sensory signals.


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Weakly electric fish can enhance the detection and localization of important signals such as those of prey in part by cancellation of redundant spatially diffuse electric signals due to, e.g., their tail bending. The cancellation mechanism is based on descending input, conveyed by parallel fibers emanating from cerebellar granule cells, that produces a negative image of the global low-frequency signals in pyramidal cells within the first-order electrosensory region, the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). Here we demonstrate that the parallel fiber synaptic input to ELL pyramidal cell undergoes long-term depression (LTD) whenever both parallel fiber afferents and their target cells are stimulated to produce paired burst discharges. Paired large bursts (4-4) induce robust LTD over pre-post delays of up to +/-50 ms, whereas smaller bursts (2-2) induce weaker LTD. Single spikes (either presynaptic or postsynaptic) paired with bursts did not induce LTD. Tetanic presynaptic stimulation was also ineffective in inducing LTD. Thus, we have demonstrated a form of anti-Hebbian LTD that depends on the temporal correlation of burst discharge. We then demonstrated that the burst-induced LTD is postsynaptic and requires the NR2B subunit of the NMDA receptor, elevation of postsynaptic Ca(2+), and activation of CaMKIIbeta. A model incorporating local inhibitory circuitry and previously identified short-term presynaptic potentiation of the parallel fiber synapses further suggests that the combination of burst-induced LTD, presynaptic potentiation, and local inhibition may be sufficient to explain the generation of the negative image and cancellation of redundant sensory input by ELL pyramidal cells.
机译:弱电鱼可以部分地通过消除由于其尾巴弯曲等导致的多余空间扩散电信号,来增强对重要信号(例如猎物)的检测和定位。消除机制基于小脑颗粒细胞发出的平行纤维传递的递减输入,该递减输入会在一阶电感应区域(电感应侧线波瓣(ELL))内的锥体细胞中产生全局低频信号的负像。 。在这里,我们证明,平行纤维传入细胞及其靶细胞均被刺激产生成对的突发放电时,向ELL锥体细胞的平行纤维突触输入会经历长期抑制(LTD)。成对的大脉冲串(4-4)在高达+/- 50 ms的事前延迟后会诱导鲁棒的LTD,而较小的脉冲串(2-2)会导致较弱的LTD。单个突峰(突触前或突触后)与爆发配对不诱导LTD。强直性突触前刺激在诱导LTD中也无效。因此,我们已经证明了一种依赖于突发放电的时间相关性的抗-Hebbian LTD形式。然后,我们证明了猝发诱导的LTD是突触后的,需要NMDA受体的NR2B亚基,突触后Ca(2+)的升高和CaMKIIbeta的激活。结合局部抑制电路和先前确定的平行纤维突触的短期突触前增强作用的模型进一步表明,猝发诱导的LTD,突触前增强作用和局部抑制作用的结合可能足以解释负像的产生和消融。 ELL锥体细胞的多余感觉输入。



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