首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >Early-life stress disrupts attachment learning: The role of amygdala corticosterone, locus ceruleus corticotropin releasing hormone, and olfactory bulb norepinephrine

Early-life stress disrupts attachment learning: The role of amygdala corticosterone, locus ceruleus corticotropin releasing hormone, and olfactory bulb norepinephrine


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Infant rats require maternal odor learning to guide pups' proximity-seeking of the mother and nursing. Maternal odor learning occurs using a simple learning circuit including robust olfactory bulb norepinephrine (NE), release from the locus ceruleus (LC), and amygdala suppression by low corticosterone (CORT). Early-life stress increases NE but also CORT, and we questioned whether early-life stress disrupted attachment learning and its neural correlates [2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) autoradiography]. Neonatal rats were normally reared or stressed-reared during the first 6 d of life by providing the mother with insufficient bedding for nest building and were odor-0.5 mA shock conditioned at 7 d old. Normally reared paired pups exhibited typical odor approach learning and associated olfactory bulb enhanced 2-DG uptake. However, stressed-reared pups showed odor avoidance learning and both olfactory bulb and amygdala 2-DG uptake enhancement. Furthermore, stressed-reared pups had elevated CORT levels, and systemic CORT antagonist injection reestablished the age-appropriate odor-preference learning, enhanced olfactory bulb, and attenuated amygdala 2-DG. We also assessed the neural mechanism for stressed-reared pups' abnormal behavior in a more controlled environment by injecting normally reared pups with CORT. This was sufficient to produce odor aversion, as well as dual amygdala and olfactory bulb enhanced 2-DG uptake. Moreover, we assessed a unique cascade of neural events for the aberrant effects of stress rearing: the amygdala-LC-olfactory bulb pathway. Intra-amygdala CORT or intra-LC corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) infusion supported aversion learning with intra-LC CRH infusion associated with increased olfactory bulb NE (microdialysis). These results suggest that early-life stress disturbs attachment behavior via a unique cascade of events (amygdala-LC-olfactory bulb).
机译:婴儿大鼠需要学习母味,以指导幼仔对母亲的接近寻求和护理。产妇气味学习使用简单的学习电路进行,包括健壮的嗅球去甲肾上腺素(NE),从蓝斑释放(LC)和杏仁核被低皮质酮(CORT)抑制。生命早期应激会增加NE,但也会增加CORT,因此我们质疑生命早期应激是否会破坏依恋学习及其神经相关性[2-脱氧葡萄糖(2-DG)放射自显影]。新生大鼠通常在生命的头6 d内通过给母亲提供不足的窝窝来筑巢而被养育或压力增加,并且在7 d大时将气味0.5 mA的电击条件化。正常饲养的成对幼犬表现出典型的嗅觉学习和相关的嗅球增强的2-DG摄取。然而,压力大的幼犬表现出回避气味的学习,嗅球和杏仁核2-DG的吸收均增强。此外,压力增加的幼犬的CORT水平升高,全身性CORT拮抗剂注射重新建立了适合年龄的气味偏好学习,嗅球增强,杏仁核2-DG减弱。我们还通过向正常饲养的幼犬注入CORT评估了在更加可控的环境中应激繁殖幼犬异常行为的神经机制。这足以产生异味,以及双重杏仁核和嗅球增强了2-DG的吸收。此外,我们评估了神经事件的独特级联,用于应力培养的异常作用:杏仁核-LC-嗅球通路。杏仁核内CORT或LC内促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)输注与LC内CRH输注伴有嗅球NE增加(微透析)一起支持厌恶学习。这些结果表明,早期生活压力会通过一系列独特的事件(杏仁核-LC-嗅球)干扰附着行为。



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