首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Immunology: Official Journal of the American Association of Immunologists >The phenotype of inflammatory macrophages is stimulus dependent: implications for the nature of the inflammatory response.

The phenotype of inflammatory macrophages is stimulus dependent: implications for the nature of the inflammatory response.


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Many diseases are characterized by inflammatory reactions involving both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system. Thioglycolate medium (TM) injection into the peritoneal cavity has long been used as a stimulus for eliciting inflammatory macrophages for study and for determining the importance of a particular mediator in inflammation. However, the response to this irritant may not be relevant to many inflammatory diseases. Therefore, we have developed an Ag-specific peritonitis model using methylated BSA (mBSA) as the stimulus. Priming mice intradermally with mBSA in adjuvant and boosting 14 days later, followed by an i.p. challenge with mBSA after an additional 7 days, led to an inflammatory reaction equivalent in magnitude to that induced with TM as judged by the number of exudate cells. The inflammatory macrophages elicited by the mBSA protocol differed, being smaller and less vacuolated than TM-elicited macrophages. Also, macrophages from 4-day mBSA-induced exudates expressed more MHC class II than TM-induced exudates, were able to stimulate allogeneic T lymphocytes, and upon in vitro stimulation with LPS secreted greater levels of IL-6 and IL-1beta. Macrophages from 4-day TM-induced exudates, on the other hand, expressed Ly6C and ER-MP58, immature myeloid markers. The inflammatory response elicited using the Ag mBSA may be more relevant for studying the inflammatory responses in many diseases, such as those of autoimmune origin and those involving an acquired immune response.
机译:许多疾病的特征是炎症反应涉及免疫系统的先天性和适应性。长期以来,向腹膜腔注射巯基乙酸盐(TM)一直被用作激发炎症性巨噬细胞进行研究和确定特定介质在炎症中的重要性的刺激物。但是,对这种刺激物的反应可能与许多炎性疾病无关。因此,我们开发了一种使用甲基化BSA(mBSA)作为刺激物的Ag特异性腹膜炎模型。皮内注射含mBSA的小鼠佐剂,并在14天后加强免疫,然后腹腔注射。再过7天后,用mBSA刺激,导致的炎症反应与通过渗出液细胞数量判断的TM诱导的炎症反应相当。 mBSA方案引发的炎性巨噬细胞有所不同,比TM引发的巨噬细胞更小且空泡化程度更低。同样,来自4天mBSA诱导的分泌物的巨噬细胞比TM诱导的分泌物表达更多的II类MHC,能够刺激同种异体T淋巴细胞,并且在体外用LPS刺激时,分泌的IL-6和IL-1beta水平更高。另一方面,来自4天TM诱导渗出液的巨噬细胞表达Ly6C和ER-MP58(未成熟的骨髓标记)。使用Ag mBSA引发的炎症反应可能与研究许多疾病(例如自身免疫起源的疾病和涉及获得性免疫反应的疾病)中的炎症反应更为相关。



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