首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >Evaluation of multicenter one-electron integrals of noninteger u screened Coulomb type potentials and their derivatives over noninteger n Slater orbitals

Evaluation of multicenter one-electron integrals of noninteger u screened Coulomb type potentials and their derivatives over noninteger n Slater orbitals

机译:非整数n Slater轨道上非整数u筛选的库仑型势及其导数的多中心单电子积分的评估

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Multicenter integrals over noninteger n Slater type orbitals with integer and noninteger values of indices u of screened Coulomb type potentials,f_u(eta,r)=e~(u-1)e~(-eta~r),and their first and second derivatives with respect to Cartesian coordinates of the nuclei of a molecule are described.Using complete orthonormal sets of PSI~(alpha) exponential type orbitals and rotation transformation of two-center overlap integrals,these integrals are expressed through the noncentral potential functions depending on the molecular auxiliary functions A_(kappa) and B_(kappa).The series expansion formulas derived for molecular integrals of screened Coulomb potentials and their derivatives are especially useful for the computation of multicenter electronic attraction,electric field,and electric field gradient integrals.The convergence of series is tested for arbitrary values of parameters of potentials and orbitals.
机译:非整数n个Slater型轨道上的多中心积分,具有屏蔽的库仑型势的索引u的整数和非整数值,f_u(eta,r)= e〜(u-1)e〜(-eta_r),以及它们的第一和第二使用分子的直角坐标的完整正交集,利用PSI〜α指数型轨道的完整正交集和两个中心重叠积分的旋转变换,这些积分通过非中心势函数表示,取决于分子辅助函数A_(kappa)和B_(kappa)。筛选出的库仑势及其积分的分子展开式的级数展开公式对于计算多中心电子引力,电场和电场梯度积分特别有用。测试系列的电位和轨道参数的任意值。



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