首页> 外文期刊>Cornea >Chandelier Illumination for Use During Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty in Patients With Advanced BuIIous Keratopathy

Chandelier Illumination for Use During Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty in Patients With Advanced BuIIous Keratopathy


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We demonstrate a technique that uses chandelier illumination during Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) in cases of severe bullous keratopathy. A chandelier illumination fiber inserted through the corneal side port provides sclerotic scattering-like illumination from the sclerocorneal margin and endoillumination from the anterior chamber, resulting in excellent visibility for Descemet stripping and intraocular manipulation without obstruction from a hazy cornea. In cases complicated by dense cataract, the chandelier fiber can be inserted trans-conjunctivally into the pars plana, providing sufficient retroillumi-nation to perform phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation combined with Descemet stripping for a DSAEK triple procedure. Because of the powerful illumination and hands-free nature of the chandelier fiber, the Descemet membrane can be visualized clearly and stripped as 1 sheet without inadvertent complications. We have developed a new 25-gauge illuminated anterior chamber maintainer comprising a 25-gauge infusion cannula through which a 29-gauge chandelier fiber probe passes. Because of the resulting bright illumination and adequate irrigation flow, excellent visibility with stable anterior chamber maintenance can be concurrently obtained for Descemet stripping, endothelial graft insertion, and subsequent intraocular manipulations without the need for biological staining or ophthalmic viscosurgical products, even in patients with severe corneal haze. This technique and new device facilitates safe and simple intraocular manipulation during DSAEK and encourages surgeons to perform DSAEK in challenging cases. ^g>bullous keratopathy, chandelier illumination, Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty, infusion cannula
机译:我们演示了在严重的大疱性角膜病变病例中,在Descemet剥离自动内皮角膜移植术(DSAEK)期间使用枝形吊灯照明的技术。穿过角膜侧孔插入的枝形吊灯照明纤维提供了来自巩膜角膜缘的硬化性散射状照明和来自前房的内照明,从而为Descemet剥离和眼内操作提供了出色的可见性,而没有混浊角膜的阻碍。在并发白内障的情况下,枝形吊灯纤维可以结膜内插入平面内,从而提供足够的逆光照明,通过人工晶状体植入结合Descemet剥离进行超声乳化,以进行DSAEK三联手术。由于枝形吊灯纤维具有强大的照明功能和免提特性,因此可以清楚地看到Descemet膜,并将其剥离为1张,而不会造成任何意外的并发症。我们已经开发出一种新型的25号照明前房保持器,其中包括一个25号输注套管,一个29号枝形吊灯光纤探头穿过该套管。由于产生的明亮照明和充足的冲洗流量,即使在重症患者中,也可同时进行Descemet剥离,内皮移植物插入以及随后的眼内操作,从而获得出色的可见度和稳定的前房维护,而无需进行生物染色或眼科内窥镜手术产品角膜混浊。这种技术和新设备有助于在DSAEK期间安全,简单地进行眼内操作,并鼓励外科医生在困难的情况下进行DSAEK。 ^ g>大头角化病,枝形吊灯照明,Descemet剥离自动内皮角膜移植术,输液插管



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