首页> 外文期刊>Physics of plasmas >Generation of 'gigantic' ultra-short microwave pulses based on passive mode-locking effect in electron oscillators with saturable absorber in the feedback loop

Generation of 'gigantic' ultra-short microwave pulses based on passive mode-locking effect in electron oscillators with saturable absorber in the feedback loop


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A periodic train of powerful ultrashort microwave pulses can be generated in electron oscillators with a non-linear saturable absorber installed in the feedback loop. This method of pulse formation resembles the passive mode-locking widely used in laser physics. Nevertheless, there is a specific feature in the mechanism of pulse amplification when consecutive energy extraction from different fractions of a stationary electron beam takes place due to pulse slippage over the beam caused by the difference between the wave group velocity and the electron axial velocity. As a result, the peak power of generated "gigantic" pulses can exceed not only the level of steady-state generation but also, in the optimal case, the power of the driving electron beam. Published by AIP Publishing.
机译:在反馈回路中安装了非线性可饱和吸收体的电子振荡器中,可以产生强大的超短微波脉冲周期周期。这种脉冲形成方法类似于激光物理学中广泛使用的无源锁模。然而,当由于波群速度和电子轴向速度之差引起的脉冲在电子束上的滑移而发生从固定电子束的不同部分进行连续能量提取时,脉冲放大机制中有一个特殊的特征。结果,所产生的“巨大”脉冲的峰值功率不仅可以超过稳态产生的水平,而且在最佳情况下还可以超过驱动电子束的功率。由AIP Publishing发布。



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