首页> 外文期刊>Physical review, E. Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics >Thermal diffusion and chemical kinetics in laminar biomaterial due to heating by a free-electron laser - art. no. 061906

Thermal diffusion and chemical kinetics in laminar biomaterial due to heating by a free-electron laser - art. no. 061906

机译:层状生物材料中由于自由电子激光加热而产生的热扩散和化学动力学-艺术。没有。 061906

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We have theoretically investigated the role of thermal diffusion and chemical kinetics as a possible dynamic explanation for the preferential ablative properties of infrared radiation from a free-electron laser (FEL). The model is based on a laminar system composed of alternating layers of protein and saline. We have compared exposure to 3 mum where water is the main absorber and 6.45 mum where both water and protein absorb. The picosecond pulses of the superpulse are treated as a train of impulses. We find that the heating rates are sufficient to superheat the outer saline layers on the nanosecond time scale, leading to explosive vaporization. We also find that competition between the layer-specific heating rates and thermal diffusion results in a wavelength-dependent separation in layer temperatures. We consider the onset of both chemical bond breaking and the helix-coil transition of protein prior to vaporization in terms of the thermal, chemical, and structural properties of the system as well as laser wavelength and pulse structure. There is no evidence for thermal bond breaking on these time scales. At 6.45 mum, but not 3 mum, there is evidence for a significant helix-coil transition. While the native protein is ductile, the denatured protein exhibits brittle fracture. This model provides a dynamic mechanism to account for the preferential ablative properties observed with FEL radiation tuned near 6.45 mum. [References: 21]
机译:我们从理论上研究了热扩散和化学动力学的作用,作为对来自自由电子激光器(FEL)的红外辐射优先消融特性的可能动力学解释。该模型基于层流系统,该层流系统由蛋白质和盐水的交替层组成。我们比较了暴露于3个妈妈(其中水是主要吸收剂)和6.45个妈妈(其中水和蛋白质都吸收)的暴露量。超级脉冲的皮秒脉冲被视为一系列脉冲。我们发现加热速率足以使纳秒级的外部盐水层过热,从而导致爆炸性汽化。我们还发现,特定层的加热速率和热扩散之间的竞争导致了层温度中与波长有关的分离。我们根据系统的热,化学和结构特性以及激光波长和脉冲结构来考虑化学键断裂的发生和汽化之前蛋白质的螺旋-螺旋转变。在这些时间尺度上,没有证据表明热键断裂。有证据表明,在6.45毫米而不是3毫米处,螺旋-螺旋过渡明显。尽管天然蛋白质具有韧性,但变性蛋白质却表现出脆性断裂。该模型提供了一种动态机制,可解释在调整到6.45微米附近的FEL辐射时观察到的优先烧蚀性能。 [参考:21]



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