首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, B. Condensed Matter >Low-temperature static and dynamic behavior of the two-dimensional easy-axis Heisenberg model

Low-temperature static and dynamic behavior of the two-dimensional easy-axis Heisenberg model


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We apply the self-consistent harmonic approximation (SCHA) to study static and dynamic properties of the two-dimensional classical Heisenberg model with easy-axis anisotropy. The static properties obtained are magnetization and spin wave energy as functions of temperature, and the critical temperature as a function of the easy-axis anisotropy. We also calculate the dynamic correlation functions using the SCHA renormalized spin wave energy. Our analytical results, for both static properties and dynamic correlation functions, are compared to numerical simulation data combining cluster-Monte Carlo algorithms and spin dynamics. The comparison allows us to conclude that far below the transition temperature, where the SCHA is valid, spin waves are responsible for all relevant features observed in the numerical simulation data; topological excitations do not seem to contribute appreciably. I;or temperatures closer to the transition temperature, there are differences between the dynamic correlation functions from SCHA theory and spin dynamics; these may be due to the presence of domain walls and solitons. [S0163-1829(99)03809-6]. [References: 21]
机译:我们应用自洽谐波近似(SCHA)研究具有易轴各向异性的二维经典Heisenberg模型的静态和动态特性。获得的静态特性是磁化强度和自旋波能量与温度的关系,以及临界温度与易轴各向异性的关系。我们还使用SCHA重归一化自旋波能量来计算动态相关函数。我们将静态特性和动态相关函数的分析结果与结合了群集蒙特卡罗算法和自旋动力学的数值模拟数据进行了比较。通过比较可以得出结论:远低于转变温度(SCHA有效)的地方,自旋波负责数值模拟数据中观察到的所有相关特征。拓扑激发似乎没有明显的作用。 I或接近转变温度的温度,SCHA理论的动态相关函数和自旋动力学之间存在差异;这些可能是由于畴壁和孤子的存在。 [S0163-1829(99)03809-6]。 [参考:21]



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