首页> 外文期刊>Physica, B. Condensed Matter >Unusual metalinsulator transition in disordered ferromagnetic films

Unusual metalinsulator transition in disordered ferromagnetic films


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We present a theoretical interpretation of recent data on the conductance near and farther away from the metalinsulator transition in thin ferromagnetic Gd films of thickness b≈210 nm. For increasing sheet resistances a dimensional crossover takes place from d=2 to d=3 dimensions, since the large phase relaxation rate caused by scattering of quasiparticles off spin wave excitations renders the dephasing length Lφ?b at strong disorder. The conductivity data in the various regimes obey fractional power-law or logarithmic temperature dependence. One observes weak localization and interaction induced corrections at weaker disorder. At strong disorder, near the metalinsulator transition, the data show scaling and collapse onto two scaling curves for the metallic and insulating regimes. We interpret this unusual behavior as proof of two distinctly different correlation length exponents on both sides of the transition.
机译:我们提出了有关厚度b≈210nm的铁磁Gd薄膜中靠近金属绝缘体跃迁的电导的最新数据的理论解释。为了增加薄层电阻,发生了从d = 2到d = 3尺寸的尺寸交叉,这是因为由准粒子从自旋波激发散射而引起的大的相弛豫速率使得移相长度LφΔb处于很强的无序状态。不同状态下的电导率数据服从分数幂律或对数温度依赖性。一个人观察到较弱的局限性,弱的定位和相互作用引起的校正。在强无序状态下,在金属绝缘体过渡附近,数据显示出标度,然后塌陷为金属和绝缘状态的两条标度曲线。我们将这种异常行为解释为过渡两边两个明显不同的相关长度指数的证明。



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