首页> 外文期刊>Physica, B. Condensed Matter >On the possibility to achieve population inversion in a magnetic nanoparticle system

On the possibility to achieve population inversion in a magnetic nanoparticle system


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Based on the fact that an intense magnetic field may group the orientations of easy magnetic axis (e.m.a.) of nanoparticles of a ferrofluid around the field direction, one can state that, by freezing, the grouping remains although the field is absent. By bringing the frozen ferofluid to saturation magnetization in the e.m.a. direction, then followed by the field's effect inversion, a population inversion state is created. Although for nanoparticles with low anisotropy the time of inversion is rather short (10(-5) S), we have proved that for nanoparticles with higher anisotropy, this time can increase, even up to 10(-5) S. One can assume that, during the inversion, the particle system represents an active medium for amplipfying electromagnetic radiations in microwaves field. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:基于这样一个事实,即强磁场可以将铁磁流体的纳米粒子的易磁轴(e.m.a.)方向围绕磁场方向分组,因此可以说,尽管没有磁场,但通过冻结,仍然可以分组。通过使冷冻的铁磁流体在e.m.a中达到饱和磁化强度。方向,然后进行场的反演,将创建总体反演状态。尽管对于具有低各向异性的纳米粒子,其反转时间相当短(10(-5)S),但我们已经证明,对于具有较高各向异性的纳米粒子,此时间会增加,甚至达到10(-5)S。在反演过程中,粒子系统代表了一种使微波场中的电磁辐射充分吸收的活性介质。 (c)2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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