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LME warehouse investigation steps up a gear


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The LME has set up a Physical Market Committee and announced a logistical review of its warehousing system. In addition, legislation has enhanced the bourse's ability to investigate parties that artificially created and maintained queues. Pacorini has de-listed 14 LME warehouses in Vlissingen. The move signals an increasing risk that LME aluminium inventories will move to unreported stocks in the coming year. The LME announced a logistical review of its warehousing system in early February. In addition, the exchange has set up a Physical Market Committee. One interesting development is that the LME has included a new clause in its LME Warehouse Agreement which gives it enhanced powers to impose additional load-out obligations on warehouses that have paid incentives to artificially create or maintain queues.
机译:伦敦金属交易所成立了实体市场委员会,并宣布对其仓储系统进行后勤审查。此外,立法提高了交易所调查人为创建和维护队列的各方的能力。帕科里尼(Pacorini)已在弗利辛根(Vlissingen)的14个LME仓库除名。此举表明,来年LME铝库存将转移至未报告库存的风险越来越大。 LME于2月初宣布对其仓储系统进行后勤审查。此外,该交易所还成立了实体市场委员会。一个有趣的进展是,LME在其《 LME仓库协议》中加入了一个新条款,从而赋予了它更大的权力,可以对已经人为地创建或维护队列的激励措施的仓库施加额外的卸货义务。



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