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Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous trackvvays of small-sized sauropods from China: New discoveries, ichnotaxonomy and sauropod manus morphology


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The growing database on sauropod tracksites, particularly from China, raises questions about hypotheses that wide-gauge sauropod trackways with low heteropody (Brontopodus) dominate the global sauropod track record in the Cretaceous. It also raises questions about the definition of narrow-, medium- and wide-gauge trackways and the quality of preservation needed to use such labels reliably. A number of Lower Cretaceous sauropod tracksites from China have yielded trackways of small-sized sauropods with pronounced heteropody that have been named Parabrontopodus. These co-occur with medium-sized to large Brontopodus tracicways giving rise to at least two possible interpretations regarding sauropod trackmakers at these sites: 1) tracicways were left by two different, smaller narrow gauge and larger wide gauge, taxonomic groups, 2) trackmakers belong to the same taxonomic group and were narrow gauge when smaller and wide gauge when larger, therefore not maintaining a constant gauge during ontogeny as inferred from some assemblages. The presence of different taxonomic groups is further evidence that narrow gauge trackmakers, previously considered typical of the Jurassic, persisted into the Early Cretaceous. This could be part of a regional trend in East Asia and some other regions such as the Iberian peninsula in Europe, where similar trackways have been found. Alternatively, this could reflect a previously unrecognized global trend. More track and skeletal data are needed to corroborate these hypotheses, because presently essential parameters are missing. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:关于蜥脚类目迹地点(尤其是来自中国)的数据库不断增长,这引发了有关以下假设的质疑:假说低的杂类(大龙虾)的宽规格蜥脚类目迹主宰了白垩纪的全球蜥脚类目迹记录。它还提出了有关窄,中和宽轨距的定义以及可靠使用此类标签所需的保存质量的问题。来自中国的许多下白垩统蜥脚类恐龙场已产生了具有明显异型的小型蜥脚类恐龙的走道,被称为副臂龙足纲。这些与中型到大型的Brontopodus轨迹同时出现,对这些地点的蜥脚类追踪器产生了至少两种可能的解释:1)追踪器由两个不同的,较小的窄轨距和较大的宽轨距分类组留下; 2)追踪器属于同一分类组,较小时为窄口径,较大时为宽口径,因此在个体发育过程中不能像某些组合推断的那样保持恒定口径。不同分类学类别的存在进一步证明了以前被认为是侏罗纪典型的窄轨跟踪器一直存在于白垩纪早期。这可能是东亚和其他一些地区(例如欧洲的伊比利亚半岛)的区域趋势的一部分,在那里也发现了类似的航迹。另外,这可能反映了以前无法识别的全球趋势。需要更多的航迹和骨骼数据来证实这些假设,因为目前缺少必要的参数。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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