首页> 外文期刊>Optics Letters >Overlap time-gating approach for improving time-domain diffuse fluorescence tomography based on the IRF-calibrated Born normalization

Overlap time-gating approach for improving time-domain diffuse fluorescence tomography based on the IRF-calibrated Born normalization


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Diffuse fluorescence tomography (DFT) methods using the full time-resolved (TR) data have been demonstrated to substantially improve the spatial resolution and quantitative accuracy of reconstructed images. However, these methods usually suffer from low practical feasibility because of the influence of the system impulse response function (IRF) and the trade-off between the used data time-resolution and the required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We present a full TR approach that combines an IRF-calibrated full TR Born normalization and an overlap-delaying time-gate scheme for attaining high SNR without sacrificing the TR information content. The approach is validated with full TR data from phantom experiments for its better performances in the spatial resolution and reconstruction fidelity compared to the traditional DFT methods.
机译:使用全时间分辨(TR)数据的漫射荧光层析成像(DFT)方法已被证明可以显着提高重建图像的空间分辨率和定量精度。但是,由于系统脉冲响应函数(IRF)的影响以及所用数据时间分辨率与所需信噪比(SNR)之间的权衡,这些方法通常具有较低的实际可行性。我们提出了一种完整的TR方法,该方法结合了IRF校准的完整TR Born归一化和重叠延迟时间门方案,可在不牺牲TR信息内容的情况下获得高SNR。与传统DFT方法相比,该方法已通过幻象实验的完整TR数据进行了验证,以使其在空间分辨率和重建保真度方面的性能更好。



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