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Opium in British Burma, 1826-1881


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This article examines in detail the British opium industry in colonial Burma from the time of the annexation ofArakan and Tenasserim in 1826 to the publication of Chief Commissioner Charles Aitchison's 1881 memorandum on opium in Burma. It argues that while the profitability of the opium trade in Burma was an important factor in the decisions the colonial administration made regarding opium, it was not the only factor. From the earliest days of British administration in Tenasserim, different ethnic groups within Burma were treated differently with regards to opium use. There is evidence that the colonial administration's view of opium use among a particular group was influenced by the degree to which use of the drug was perceived to facilitate social stability and productivity, or unemployment and social breakdown.
机译:本文详细研究了从1826年吞并了Arakan和Tenasserim到首席专员查尔斯·艾奇森(Charles Aitchison)于1881年发表的关于缅甸鸦片的备忘录之时的英国殖民地的鸦片产业。它认为,虽然缅甸的鸦片贸易的获利能力是殖民政府就鸦片做出决定的重要因素,但这不是唯一因素。从英国在Tenasserim统治初期,缅甸境内的鸦片使用受到不同待遇。有证据表明,殖民地政府对特定人群使用鸦片的观点受到认为使用该药物促进社会稳定和生产力,失业和社会崩溃的程度的影响。



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