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Opium, power, people: Anthropological understandings of an opium interdiction project in Thailand


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Opium interdiction projects have dominated Thai state interactions with northern upland ethnic minority peoples since the 1970s. One of these projects, the Sam Muen Highland Development Project (SMHDP), had great success in ending opium production. This success emerged out of the participation of the most peripheral peoples in international drug markets, the producers. To understand why Lisu villagers cooperated with the Project, I examine how state power was realized through its practice in the village through the Project. Lisu had tactics and strategies available to them. They strategically adapted through household and kinship practices. They tactically cooperated through the use of Project discourse and the performance of cooperation. Participatory drug interdiction was not just a "new tyranny"; it opened up new political processes at the microlevel. However, Lisu villagers' tactics for regaining local power were constrained by the global processes of drug control.
机译:自1970年代以来,鸦片拦截项目一直主导着泰国政府与北部高地少数民族的互动。这些项目之一,山姆门高原开发项目(SMHDP)在结束鸦片生产方面取得了巨大成功。这种成功源于国际药品市场中最外围的人,生产者的参与。为了理解why族​​村民为什么与该项目合作,我研究了通过项目在乡村实践中如何实现国家权力。 Lisu有可用的战术和策略。他们通过家庭和亲属关系进行了战略调整。他们通过使用项目话语和合作表现来进行战术合作。参与式禁毒不只是“新暴政”,还包括它在微观层面开启了新的政治进程。但是,Li族村民重新获得地方权力的策略受到全球毒品管制程序的限制。



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