首页> 外文期刊>Contemporary drug problems >Young women's and men's different worlds of alcohol, fear,and violence in focus group discussions with 18-year-olds in Stockholm

Young women's and men's different worlds of alcohol, fear,and violence in focus group discussions with 18-year-olds in Stockholm


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AUTHOR'S NOTE: The research project: "The meaning of intoxication- a comparison between men and women and generations" has been financed by the Swedish Research Council, In one part of the project the prerequisites of local alcohol and dtug prevention have been investigated. This part of the project has been supported financially by Swedish National Drug Policy Coordinator (MOB).blame for violence they have been involved in and also of blame for fear of violence. The young men's picture of threat is concrete and consists of other young men of the same age. By their accounts they show that fear of violence is something that has to be given an explanation. The young men use intoxication both as an excuse for the violence they are using and as an explanation to why violence occurs.



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