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Mining thrives in PNG paradise


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MINING activity in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is holding up well in the face of the global economic downturn. There has been a great deal of exploration in?terest from foreign companies, mainly Chinese and companies with origins in China and India. While currently only gold and copper are produced in PNG, nickel and cobalt mines will start in 2010. Explora?tion is centring on chromium, magnetite and limestone. China and India are seeking to meet energy demands to cope with their expanding populations and increased production of consumer goods. These countries would like to secure their mineral imports by investing in exploration and purchasing projects, or guaranteeing supply from existing or potential miners. Renewed interest in exploration at some gold and copper prospects has produced data that may see projects previously considered uneconomical be developed into mines. Examples include Xstrata plc's Frieda River copper-gold project and Marengo Mining Ltd's Yandera copper-molybdenum project. Frieda and Yandera have gone from insignificant prospects to projects worth speculating on as the next Ok Tedi.
机译:面对全球经济下滑,巴布亚新几内亚(PNG)的采矿活动一直保持良好状态。外国公司(主要是中国公司以及起源于中国和印度的公司)进行了大量的探索。虽然目前PNG只生产金和铜,但镍和钴矿将在2010年开始开采。勘探集中在铬,磁铁矿和石灰石上。中国和印度正在寻求满足能源需求,以应对不断增长的人口和增加的消费品生产。这些国家希望通过投资勘探和购买项目或保证现有或潜在矿工的供应来确保其矿物进口。对某些金矿和铜矿勘探兴趣的重新产生产生了数据,这些数据可能会将以前认为不经济的项目开发为矿山。例如Xstrata plc的Frieda River铜金项目和Marengo Mining Ltd的Yandera铜钼项目。弗里达(Frieda)和扬德拉(Yandera)已经从微不足道的前景变成了值得下一个Ok Tedi投机的项目。



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