首页> 外文期刊>Macromolecules >Characterization of a Major Fraction of Disordered All-Trans Chains in Cold-Drawn High-Density Polyethylene by Solid-State NMR

Characterization of a Major Fraction of Disordered All-Trans Chains in Cold-Drawn High-Density Polyethylene by Solid-State NMR


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In cold-drawn,necked high-density polyethylene,solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has identified a major fraction of chain segments intermediate to the ordered crystalline and the almost isotropic amorphous phases.This partially mobile and disordered all-trans fraction in the strain-hardened sample contains 38+-6% of all chain segments in the bulk.Thus,it represents the second largest component in the system,ahead of the disordered gauche-containing or amorphous (17+-4%) and the monoclinic crystalline (4+-2%) phases.A series of one- and two-dimensional NMR experiments,several of which make use of an "inverse ~(13)C T_1 relaxation time filter" for selective observation of the intermediate-component signals,show the intermediate component (or components) to consist of all-trans chains with disordered packing.While the crystalline component has a standard deviation of the chain axis from the draw direction of 1 deg,the intermediate components exhibit an approx 8 deg spread of chain-axis orientations from the draw axis.The chains in the intermediate components undergo fast rotational motions around their axes,with motional amplitudes of ca.20 deg.
机译:在冷拔,颈高密度聚乙烯中,固态核磁共振(NMR)识别出链状链段的主要部分,该链段介于有序晶体相和几乎各向同性的非晶相之间。应变硬化样品在主体中包含所有链节的38 + -6%。因此,它代表了系统中的第二大成分,是无序含脂或无定形(17 + -4%)和单斜晶的晶相(4 + -2%)。一系列一维和二维NMR实验,其中几个实验使用“〜(13)C T_1逆弛豫时间滤波器”来选择性观察中间组分信号表示中间组分由无规堆积的全反式链组成。虽然结晶组分的链轴与拉伸方向的标准偏差为1度,但中间组分的扩散度约为8度。 ch中间组件中的链条绕其轴进行快速旋转运动,运动幅度约为20度。



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