首页> 外文期刊>Macromolecules >Impact of supercritical fluid solvent quality on polymer conformation in semidilute solutions: SANS data for poly(ethylene-co-1-butene) in dimethyl ether to kilobar pressures

Impact of supercritical fluid solvent quality on polymer conformation in semidilute solutions: SANS data for poly(ethylene-co-1-butene) in dimethyl ether to kilobar pressures


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Phase behavior and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements are reported for poly(ethylene-co-20.2 mol % 1-butene) (PEB10) dissolved in supercritical dimethyl ether (DME). The phase boundary is located at pressures near 600 bar at 130 degreesC, and it exhibits a minimum in temperature near 105 degreesC where the cloud-point pressure rises sharply. Neutron scattering is performed with a high-pressure scattering cell designed for a large incident beam diameter, good mixing, and real-time viewing of the solution to ensure single-phase operation. The SANS results suggest significant variations in intramolecular correlations exist at length scales proportional to a few monomer units although the radius of gyration remains close to the unperturbed value at pressures from the cloud point to as high as 2400 bar. As expected, the intermolecular correlation length grows rapidly on approach to the phase boundary. The phase behavior and SANS data suggest that DME is very poor quality solvent even at high solvent densities. [References: 40]
机译:据报道溶解在超临界二甲醚(DME)中的聚乙烯(co-co-20.2 mol%1-丁烯)(PEB10)的相行为和小角中子散射(SANS)测量。相界位于130摄氏度下600巴附近的压力下,并且在105摄氏度附近温度最低,此时浊点压力急剧上升。中子散射是通过设计用于大入射光束直径,良好混合和实时查看溶液以确保单相运行的高压散射池进行的。 SANS结果表明,尽管在从浊点到高达2400 bar的压力下,回转半径仍然接近于不受干扰的值,但在与几个单体单元成比例的长度尺度上,分子内相关性存在显着变化。如所期望的,分子间相关长度在接近相边界时迅速增长。相行为和SANS数据表明,即使在高溶剂密度下,DME也是质量很差的溶剂。 [参考:40]



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