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Measuring alcohol consumption




This article is an overview of different approaches to measuring alcohol consumption: self-reports and objective measures such as blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and aggregate level measures. These approaches are evaluated as regards their ability to capture quantity, frequency, volume and variability of drinking. This review focuses on self-report measures and on the current knowledge of undercoverage error when compared with sales data. In the comparative evaluation of measures, two analytical aims are examined: a) description and testing of differences across groups for which ordinal information is sufficient and b) establishment of cutoff points and risk relationships for which unbiased interval scale level is required. First, minimal differences were found between self-report measures when the recall period was sufficiently long enough. Second, prospective diaries appear to be stronger measures than retrospective recalls. However, prospective diaries commonly cover only short reporting periods and should be combined with simple retrospective measures to capture rare and infrequent drinking episodes. In regard to undercoverage, the discrepancy cannot be fully explained by non-response or concealment of consumption by drinkers. It is argued that undercoverage of sales data may be more related to sample frame defects-e.g., the non-inclusion of particular subpopulations such as the homeless or institutionalized.
机译:本文概述了各种测量酒精消耗的方法:自我报告和客观测量,例如血中酒精浓度(BAC)和总量水平测量。对这些方法的捕获能力,频率,数量和饮酒变化进行了评估。这篇评论着重于自我报告措施以及与销售数据比较时的隐蔽误差的当前知识。在对措施的比较评估中,检验了两个分析目标:a)描述和测试顺序信息充分的各组之间的差异; b)建立截止点和风险关系,需要无偏差的区间量表水平。首先,当召回期足够长时,自我报告措施之间的差异很小。其次,与回顾性回忆相比,预期日记似乎是更有效的方法。但是,前瞻性日记通常只涵盖较短的报告期,应与简单的回顾性措施相结合,以捕获罕见和不频繁饮酒事件。关于覆盖不足,不能通过饮酒者不回应或隐瞒消费来充分解释差异。有人认为,销售数据的不足可能与样本框架缺陷更相关,例如,不包括特定的亚群,如无家可归者或机构化者。



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