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Leading modes of torsional oscillations within the Earth's core


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The fluid core motion cannot be observed directly,however, it can be deduced from magnetic observations. This motion can be approximated as a set of coaxial cylinders rotating along the Earth rotation axis. Our study shows that the actual motion in the core corresponds to a set of oscillations propagating from the core-mantle boundary to the inner core (with diminishing amplitude) at period of 85, 50, 35 and 28 years, respectively. These oscillations appear to be very robust in our study, moreover two weaker modes have also been isolated and require further study. Zatman and Bloxham (1997) isolated two modes with periods that correspond to our first two modes. Comparing the theoretically predicted modes of Mound and Buffett (2007), all three analyses (one theoretically based and two based on geomagnetic observations) agree on the periods of the isolated modes; this concurrence is exceptional and provides strong evidence of the existence of the modes.
机译:不能直接观察到流体核心运动,但是可以从磁观测推论得出。该运动可以近似为一组沿地球旋转轴旋转的同轴圆柱体。我们的研究表明,岩心中的实际运动分别对应于一组在85年,50年,35年和28年期间从岩心幔边界传播到内部岩心(振幅逐渐减小)的振荡。在我们的研究中,这些振荡似乎非常稳健,此外,还已经隔离了两个较弱的模式,需要进一步研究。 Zatman和Bloxham(1997)分离了两种模式,其周期对应于我们的前两种模式。比较Mound和Buffett(2007)的理论预测模式,所有三种分析(一种理论基础,另一种基于地磁观测)均与孤立模式的周期一致。这种一致是例外的,并提供了模式存在的有力证据。



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