首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Decrease of sea ice thickness at Hopen, Barents Sea, during 1966-2007

Decrease of sea ice thickness at Hopen, Barents Sea, during 1966-2007


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Seasonal fast ice thickness at the island of Hopen (Barents Sea) was monitored over 40 years. Sea ice thickness variability as a climate indicator provides more quantitative information on the state of the ice cover than solely sea ice extent. Usually, starting to form just before December Hopen fast ice reaches maximum thickness in May (on average 0.99 m), before the ice starts to decay. Swell, currents, and winds interrupt the fast ice development at Hopen during several of the winters observed, leading to ice removal and new ice formation. Since 2000, no ice thicker than 1.0 m was observed. We find a trend in the ice thickness anomalies of -0.11 m per decade, coinciding with decreasing seasonal maximum ice thickness, and an increase in local surface air and water temperatures. This is consistent with the decreasing sea ice extent in the Barents Sea and the entire Arctic.
机译:在过去的40年中,对霍本岛(巴伦支海)的季节性快速冰层厚度进行了监测。海冰厚度的变化作为一种​​气候指标,可以提供比仅海冰范围更多的冰盖状态定量信息。通常,在冰开始衰变之前,Hopen快冰在5月达到最大厚度(平均0.99 m)之前就开始形成。在观察到的几个冬季中,涌流,风和风中断了Hopen的快速制冰,导致除冰和新冰的形成。自2000年以来,没有发现厚度超过1.0 m的冰。我们发现每十年-0.11 m的冰厚度异常趋势,与季节性最大冰厚度的减小以及局部地表空气和水温的升高相吻合。这与巴伦支海和整个北极海冰面积的减少是一致的。



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