首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Impact of megathrust geometry on inversion of coseismic slip fromgeodetic data: Application to the 1960 Chile earthquake

Impact of megathrust geometry on inversion of coseismic slip fromgeodetic data: Application to the 1960 Chile earthquake


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We analyze the role of megathrust geometry on slipestimation using the 1960 Chile earthquake (Mw = 9.5) asan example. A variable slip distribution for this earthquakehas been derived by Barrientos and Ward (1990) applyingan elastic dislocation model with a planar fault geometry.Their model shows slip patches at 80-110 km depth,isolated from the seismogenic zone, interpreted as aseismicslip. We invert the same geodetic data set using a finiteelement model (FEM) with precise geometry derived fromgeophysical data. Isoparametric FEM is implemented toconstrain the slip distribution of curve-shaped elements.Slip resolved by our precise geometry model is limited tothe shallow region of the plate interface suggesting that thedeep patches of moment were most likely an artifact of theplanar geometry. Our study emphasizes the importance offault geometry on slip estimation of large earthquakes.
机译:我们以1960年智利地震(Mw = 9.5)为例,分析了大推力几何在滑移估计中的作用。 Barrientos和Ward(1990)应用具有平面断层几何形状的弹性错位模型推导了该地震的可变滑动分布。他们的模型显示了与地震发生带隔离的80-110 km深度的滑动斑片,被解释为aseismicslip。我们使用有限元模型(FEM)反转相同的大地测量数据集,并从地球物理数据中得出精确的几何图形。采用等参有限元法来约束曲线形元素的滑移分布。通过我们的精确几何模型解析的滑移仅限于板界面的浅层区域,这表明深矩矩很可能是平面几何的伪影。我们的研究强调了进攻几何在大地震滑动估计中的重要性。



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