首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Lake Agassiz final drainage event in the northwest North Atlantic

Lake Agassiz final drainage event in the northwest North Atlantic


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The 8.2 ka "climate'' event recorded in Greenland ice cores is subject of debates with respect to causal linkage with a collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning due to the drainage of the late-glacial lake Agassiz. Here, we present records from the NW North Atlantic, down-current the flood discharge route, showing that the 9.5-8 ka interval was marked by a succession of events. The drainage itself corresponds to a twin-layer of carbonate-rich turbidites deposited within the calibrated 8.35-8.5 ka interval. Proxies of sea-surface and deep-current conditions do not indicate significant concomitant changes in the NW North Atlantic. The dataset,however, supports the concept that the 8.2 ka "climate'' event may represent one of the manifestations of climate instability during an interval with major changes of land drainage in NE America, due to the collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, subsequent fast sea level rise and large scale reorganization of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation pattern.
机译:格陵兰岛冰芯记录的8.2 ka“气候”事件是关于因晚冰川湖Agassiz的排水而导致的大西洋子午线倾覆坍塌的因果关系的辩论。北大西洋,顺流排洪道,表明9.5-8 ka区间以一系列事件为标志,排水本身对应于在校准的8.35-8.5 ka区间内沉积的一层富含碳酸盐的浊积岩。 。海面和深流条件的代理并不表明北大西洋西北地区有显着的伴随变化,然而,该数据集支持了8.2 ka“气候”事件可能代表了在此期间气候不稳定的一种表现这一概念。由于Laurentide冰盖的坍塌,随后的海平面快速上升和北大西洋热盐盐地的大规模重组,使得东北美洲的土地排水发生了重大变化调节模式。



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