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Assessment of clear and cloudy sky parameterizations for daily downwelling longwave radiation over different land surfaces in Florida, USA


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Clear sky downwelling longwave radiation (R-1dc) and cloudy sky downwelling longwave radiation (R-1d) formulas were tested across eleven sites in Florida. The Brunt equation, using air vapor pressure and temperature measurements, provides the best R-1dc estimates with a root mean square error of less than around 12 Wm(-2) across all sites. The Crawford and Duchon's cloudiness factor with Brunt equation is recommended for R-1d calculations. This combined approach requires no local calibration and estimates R-1d with a root mean square error of less than around 13 Wm(-2) and squared correlation coefficients that typically exceed 0.9. Citation: Choi, M., J. M. Jacobs, and W. P. Kustas (2008), Assessment of clear and cloudy sky parameterizations for daily downwelling longwave radiation over different land surfaces in Florida, USA, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L20402, doi: 10.1029/2008GL035731.
机译:在佛罗里达州的11个站点测试了晴朗的天空下长波辐射(R-1dc)和多云的天空下长波辐射(R-1d)公式。使用空气蒸气压力和温度测量值的Brunt方程可提供最佳的R-1dc估计值,所有位置的均方根误差均小于12 Wm(-2)左右。 R-1d计算建议使用带有Brunt方程的Crawford和Duchon浊度因子。这种组合方法不需要局部校准,并且估计R-1d的均方根误差小于13 Wm(-2),并且平方相关系数通常超过0.9。引文:Choi,M.,J。M. Jacobs和W. P. Kustas(2008),美国佛罗里达州不同地表每天向下深部长波辐射的晴空参数化评估,Geophys。 Res。 Lett。,35,L20402,doi:10.1029 / 2008GL035731。



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